Industrial hemp


Well-Known Member
I'm curious how you guys think industrial hemp is going to affect cannabis grows?

What are people going to do when those hemp plants start throwing their pollen into the wind and start pollinating everybodys cannabis plants?

I'd this really going to be an issue or am I just crazy?
I've given thought to it but in the same sentence if you grow indoor's how much with that really effect people??? I guess if I am worried about it... I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. I could prolly just work on sealing my room better or better filtration on my intake filter maybe I dunno.
i´d be more worried about regular auto males fucking up the genetics,
fibre hemp was used once with an afghani to create a very hardy plant
it turned out to be one very tasty experiment..

and not exactly apples and oranges.
the fibre hemp derived out of the same turn off as the other strains available nowadays
just that they where bred towards fibre production many generations behind,
so a fibre hemp cross pollination can be quite an interesting accident.
No you are not crazy at all. This exact topic is talked about in a hemp documentary I watched a couple years ago. The industrial hemp guys were saying that it could easily pollute outdoor cannabis genetics. They don't have a problem with that, but outdoor growers that reuse seed stock sure will. The suggest about 25% potancy reduction per generation, so after 4 seasons the plants would be heavily dominated by the hemp genetics.
I've been saying for years I'll go nuts on anyone who plants industrial hemp west of the Rockies. I breed my weed, and Hemp pollen would totally destroy my efforts to grow for seed. Most years, I find a a dozen or more seeds in my buds from growers up wind. I can't imagine what would happen with thousands of acres of hemp, up wind.
Hemp industry and/or cartel plantations, pick your male pollen. Down here, cartel plantations grow males and females alike, they don't care, they just grow the bulk and fuck it. So in many places of the country, there's a very good chance to get pollinated, and places with 100% chances of seeds. Industrial hemp fields sounds very similar.
Hemp industry and/or cartel plantations, pick your male pollen. Down here, cartel plantations grow males and females alike, they don't care, they just grow the bulk and fuck it. So in many places of the country, there's a very good chance to get pollinated, and places with 100% chances of seeds. Industrial hemp fields sounds very similar.
I pick cartel plantations because they aren't growing hemp. They are growing mostly landrace sativas
OTE="gR33nDav3l0l, post: 10702866, member: 690094"]Hemp industry and/or cartel plantations, pick your male pollen. Down here, cartel plantations grow males and females alike, they don't care, they just grow the bulk and fuck it. So in many places of the country, there's a very good chance to get pollinated, and places with 100% chances of seeds. Industrial hemp fields sounds very similar.[/QUOTE]

I'll take commercial hemp over cartels. Hemp business squares dont behead anyone.