Ineb's First Grow


Well-Known Member
Well, I've found a new grow space. My closet just does not have all the conveniences of a spare basement room. It has all the ventilation I need. There's a window in the room that was removed and a wooden board put in its place. I can put a carbon filter/exhaust system in the board with a bit of accurate cutting. Some of the houses ductwork goes through the room, here I can draw fresh a/c'ed or heated air, depending on what time of year it is.
There are also two tables in the room, one table will hold my equipment(since it has a sink in it) and one will be a little bit of a hydro/aero table; depending on what I choose to do.

Not to mention, the room is ALOT bigger than my closet. Here are the dimentions and a picture (cleaning is half finished, all that is left is grit from the crumbling old rockwall.

HxWxD 7ft.x6ft.x6ft.



Well-Known Member
Bah, I was denied the space. The current grow will have to stay in my closet for a while..booo...

I've got another space, about(estimation) 6x15x30 : HxWxD, but it's filled with shit. About 2weeks worth of work in the room to get the electrical and insulation worked out beside the fact of it being filled with dirt!

So I'm stuck in a closet for a while.


Well-Known Member
Aiko just got its first out of 2 transplants, seemed it was about time to take it out of the seedling cup, it was out of that stage last week anyway.


Root progress as of now -The green crap is algae, it was in a clear up, but now the algae should die : no more clear stuff. The cup broke right apart so easy. I did not even have to cut it, it just broke away in strips when pulled.

A picture of the new bucket, it's like 1.5gal I think. Like the design? :mrgreen:

A picture of Aiko at day 24 - It looks indica, correct? Gotta make sure I'm judgin' the difference right and not backwards.

Sorry 'bout the glaring, I must find a way to remedy the flash doing that.
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Well-Known Member
Well, I'm forcing the one in my closet to flower early. My setup just isn't good enough for an outright grow currently, so I'm stuck with a miniplant for now.

Aiko will probably start flowering soon if it hasn't already. It just isn't getting enough sunlight per day to stay in vegetative, but it's about 8inches tall now so I figure; a ~16 inch plant by finish should give me a decent yield, hopefully.


Well-Known Member
Yeah,.. those delays are gettin' a bit out of hand. At least the mylar was in stock. Back to the topic at hand anyway, here's a shot of my closet dweller

Day 22? I lost track :( - Inside. Yes, I know that exposed fixtures should not be sitting right on top of damp soil :roll: The plant was deformed from Day 1, I think it's that...


Well-Known Member
Also, the bucket is a DIY reflector for the light crap I have yet to receive. Gotta get as much out of those weak flouro's as I can.


Well-Known Member
Well, Aiko now has a tiny arachnoid friend. It keeps the pests away from my plant, and my plant gives it somewhere to live. Symbioses rules.
(Surprisingly to me; I have gnats in my closet, but not a single crawly thing in the dirt/on the plant outside.)

A current pic of Aiko will be posted after my camera charges for a while.


Well-Known Member
So, I delayed and delayed until finally it was dark and I brought in Aiko for the night, this photo is during the plants "sleepy-time", not a thing wrong with it.

Aiko - Day 31 - 12 and 2/3 inches tall. Or 1ft. However you wanna say it.


Well-Known Member
Okay, here's some pics of a new setup I have. I plan on using this from now on instead of soil, for future grows. It's DWC/bubbleponic.

I took some cuttings from my test-plant(It originally started as me wanting to top it.), placed them in some rockwool and set them up in the system. Hopefully they take root as I don't have any rooting hormones.

Test-plant after I hacked the shit out of it.

Cuttings in the system.



Well-Known Member
2 of the four cuttings are from the part I topped, removed the lower branches as suggested for cloning, and put them in the other holes.


Well-Known Member
2 of the four cuttings are from the part I topped, removed the lower branches as suggested for cloning, and put them in the other holes.
ahhhh it all showed up eh
imma have to come over and check it all out
did u take the clones from akio
or the other plant


Well-Known Member
Well, I have 3seeds germinating, and one just put straight up into a spare rock wool cube I had. A bit of a precautionary step since the cuttings most likely won't root with how sloppily I took them. I used dull(but at least they were sterile) scissors, and I topped with a serrated "s.w.a.t." knife that's like 3 years old. It's all I had, but I was planning on removing my "test" plant anyway to make room for some serious stuff. If it lives, I'll take care of it... if it dies; oh well.


Well-Known Member
Also, I FINALLY got my mh/hps ballast, planning on wiring it up over the weekend when I get an extension cord and some wire nuts/caps/whatever ya wanna call'em.


Well-Known Member
Will get an update up tomorrow; in the meanwhile, here's my ballast. Not wired up yet, that's when i just pulled it out of the box.



Well-Known Member
Well, I can't give a photo update 'till tomorrow. But,..

Aiko - Day 39 - 20inches tall, 11nodes.. 4 branches growing at each. She (if indeed it is a 'she') is growing like a beast! Sunlight for the win.