I have been useing a very cheep but very effective way to keep my space filled with co2. Take a medium sized bowl and fill it just over half with around 100 degree water, disolve as much pure sugar as the water will take, add one whole packet ( about a large tablespoon) of active dry yeast ( I use red star), make sure the yeast is not a clumpy ball in the bottom of the bowl, mix it up good with your fingers. you can watch the co2 start happining within a few minuts, the bowl will start to bubble and so on( like making a bread starter) just leave it in your space in a central location. when the yeast eats all the sugars, it will not "bubble up" anymore just add more sugar and mix it up again! one packet of yeast usualy goes three or four days in my room without having to add more sugar. More bowls for a bigger room, im flowering 6 under a 1000 HPS in a 8x8 room and my co2 is right on the money for the space I have! yeast is three bucks for a three pack, inexpensive and easy! After a day or two the co2 will start to get trapped under a little fluffy yeast ball on top of the water, just mix it up and dont worry, you will know when the yeast needs to be changed because it wont feed on the sugar any more. This method is working really well for me and its inexpensive, and more user friendly than tanks and timers for smaler rooms. Its not the greatest pic but here are my girls after two weeks of flowering. Good luck!!! And let me know how it works for U
. Respect