inflow ec 1250ppm run off 1240ppm.

You're feeding high EC and they are hardly eating it. I'd do like others have said and cut your EC by half and I bet you'll quickly see an increase in growth and the amount of food they are taking. Feed to plenty of runoff to clear out all the extra salts.
damn just when i thought i had things on track. thanks every one for helping but if yall agree with this chart i need a few questions answered on how to read it like why does it say 1200 EC i thought ppm and EC is the same thing, what does that chart mean? i feel like i almost got this lol
The ppm 700 scale is based on measuring the KCl or potassium chloride content of a solution. The ppm 500 is based on measuring the NaCl or sodium chloride content of a solution. The ppm 500 scale is also referred to as TDS - total dissolved solids.

what scale should i be using? i have a hanna groline tds meter and i think it only has these two scales or the mols one
i cant express how thankful i am for your answers everyone!!! makes me wonder what the hell else im screwing up horribly… im very aware of how bad i messed up you should see my face lol.
I never check runoff. I only worry about what goes in. As long as the plants are healthy that's all that matters.

That second plant is showing some crispiness on the leaves. 1250 ppm seems a little high for plants that small. I never go that high even in flower.
Look at that chart you posted again. The chart maxes out at 650ppm. Their EC # is missing a decimal.
when you say crisp do you mean when the leaves twist horrizontally and make weird insemmetrical harringbone shapes? ive seen this before and would explain why i can see that now that i look at the pics again.
when you say crisp do you mean when the leaves twist horrizontally and make weird insemmetrical harringbone shapes? ive seen this before and would explain why i can see that now that i look at the pics again.

I was referring to the brown crispy edges.
You're feeding high EC and they are hardly eating it. I'd do like others have said and cut your EC by half and I bet you'll quickly see an increase in growth and the amount of food they are taking. Feed to plenty of runoff to clear out all the extra salts.

so i made new solution 1.1 EC and the run off is 1.2EC so its within the chart now. took like 5gal of flushing lol

if u mean the lower leafs those were from previous mistakes but i fixed the medium to 1.2 EC now

Yes the lower leaves. The new growth looks fine. I'd still lower the EC and stop trying to make things fit some range based on input and runoff. Just worry about what goes in. There's no reason to measure the runoff.

Good luck with your grow.
Yes the lower leaves. The new growth looks fine. I'd still lower the EC and stop trying to make things fit some range based on input and runoff. Just worry about what goes in. There's no reason to measure the runoff.

Good luck with your grow.

thank you for your response, will water with .8 EC instead i think thats fair based on what everything here today