Info: Fabric Pots

Sorry to make you sad @twentyeight.threefive . I just feel like they are a waste of soil space, because of how much they dry at the edges vs the rest of the soil, which makes them good for air root-pruning, but also means that you need more soil compared to hard containers.
Sorry to make you sad @twentyeight.threefive . I just feel like they are a waste of soil space, because of how much they dry at the edges vs the rest of the soil, which makes them good for air root-pruning, but also means that you need more soil compared to hard containers.
I don't use soil. The roots go right to the edges. No need for extra medium.

Although they can dry out quickly especially outdoors. Moved two plants from 5 gallon cloth pots to 15 gallon plastic and they are still drying faster than I want.
I don't use soil. The roots go right to the edges. No need for extra medium.

Although they can dry out quickly especially outdoors. Moved two plants from 5 gallon cloth pots to 15 gallon plastic and they are still drying faster than I want.
I don't use soil either, I use coco/perlite. I found that the moisture within grow media was very inconsistent when I tried fabric pots. I use plastic square pots FTW.
I don't use soil either, I use coco/perlite. I found that the moisture within grow media was very inconsistent when I tried fabric pots. I use plastic square pots FTW.
Proper watering will help evenly saturate your coco in cloth. Dry coco is hydrophobic so it can make the initial watering tough.
Hate fucking fabric pots ….. tried washing , CLR soaks , running over with car , sun bleaching , oxy clean …. Prayers .
NEVER NEVER again . Not a big fan of Airpots either.

( somebody photo of pot ) mine went to the great dumpster in the sky.

Not a fan of them either. They dry too quickly, they are a bugger to clean, they grow algae, you can't stick labels to them and they don't insulate the root ball as well. I have done two runs of a dozen plants each and whilst I didn't get any less weed, I didn't get any more either. I'll stick to the tried and tested 3 gallon plastic pots.

My wife used mine for her tomatoes this summer and she thought they were crap too.