info + help



  • hello
    a friend to me give me this too lovely cannabis
    and he leave the country
    but he tell me a little info
    12 hours light on + water
    12 hours light off + water
    plant food every 10 days use on regular water
    amount of plant food divided to 3 big bottle of water
    2 months the plants should be ready
    how much water i feed them ? half of glass for every plant ?
    what about the blue food what is that ?
    What kind of marijuana is that ?​



Well-Known Member
OMG, I really don't even know where to start with this, um well first off since its obvious you don't have any experience growing cannabis I highly suggest you get a grow guide, I recommend "Growing Elite Marijuana" by Ryan Riley (-->CLICK HERE<--), however there are many other guides to choose from, just Google cannabis grow guide, although this forum is very helpful and has a lot of useful information you will get a lot more "Factual" knowledge out of a grow guide, also, if English is not your primary language I recommend getting a guide in the language your most fluent, comprehension is key as there are a lot of factors to consider, especially when growing indoors, if you can't find a guide in your language you could always just get a digital version and use Google Translate. Now if this is an option for you I highly recommend you get a 250W-400W HID (HPS/MH) ballast and reflector, preferably an air cooled hood so you can hook up ducting and inline fan, HID lights produce a lot of heat that needs to be ventilated from the grow space. Now as far as the feeding/watering goes what you posted doesn't sound right at all, you only want to water/feed when the soil is almost completely dry so the roots dig deep in search of water, once the pots/soil is almost completely dry weigh the pots and in the future when they get that light you know its time to water. As for feeding just follow the instructions on the bottles to the letter, however start with 1/4 the recommended dose, see how they respond and then increase as needed, remember less is more, nute burn will stress the plants more that a slight deficiency. Well I hope this helps and I wish you the best of luck.


New Member
No, males are usually disliked, since they don't produce flowers....aka: buds. I believe they still produce thc and can be made into hash, but no fluffy nugs unfortunately. Also, males can pollinate any actual females you do have, making the females produce seeds inside their flowers/buds.


Well-Known Member
What is the difference between male and female is the best male plants ?
I swear I'm not trying to be mean here but that question completely proves my point that you NEED to get a grow guide, 90% of the questions you have would be answered by a grow guide, if you can't afford to buy one let me know and I'll tell you how to get one for free, however if you have the money please buy one and support the authors hard work. Your obviously starting from scratch and if you don't read a grow guide your going be asking a thousand questions that have been asked and answered a thousand (or million) times before, lets all help conserve RIU's servers and educate ourselves as much as we can.


i read a lot of guids online thanks
bro my 2 plant have a lot of balls what should i do i didn't get answer from any guid