Info on LED lights


Active Member
seriously use cfls.

i personally am using 4 cfls. one fixture with grow bulbs and the other with cool bulbs both are giving my plant good color and it's perfect for my needs. o well good luck


Active Member
why the hell does the same exact thread with the same exact question keep popping up week after week.


Well-Known Member
You CAN.
It just sucks ass and is nowhere near worth it. Conform and get a more traditional light source that has proven its worth time and time again.


Well-Known Member
If your patient, can haggle, and are possibly willing to drive a ways. Craigslist presents MANY options for dirt cheap. I'm talking 400 watt high bay HPS and MH's that are plugged at 120v for 20-50 bucks. Disassemble and jerry rig if you wish or just hang above. Simple as that.