Info on tangarine dream and martian mean green?????

420 couple

Are they best grown as single kola or can you super crop them??? Flower them at what height?? We grow veganics. :peace:


Well-Known Member

No introduction? :sad:

Well, take the time to look around the forum... there are many members with great experience, skill, charm and humor; good luck with your grow, welcome to the forum and I hope you both make lots of friends. A couples' grow is really cute <3


bud bootlegger
i know that mmg is sativa dom and therefore is going to get pretty tall.. how tall exactly, i'm not sure as i haven't grown mine out as of yet, but i'd think they would be more on the tall side of things, so if heights an issue, flower them a bit sooner..

this guy i worked with went to the dam a few years ago and when he came home he couldn't shut up about the martian mean green.. ever since then i was on the hunt to get me some of the beans... it took me like two years to find a pack of the regs as dna had stopped making the strain for a few years.. like a month or two after i finally found my pack of regs, dna turns around and released them in fems, lol..
i'm glad i got the regs, but still, lol... i'm sure you'll be stoked on the mmg though..

also, you can talk to sr verde, he's a member here and good people, i know that he's grown out the tangerine dream and could surely help answer pretty much any and all questions that you may have about the strain..

hope that helps and points you in the right direction, good luck with the grows... :)

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
my experience with tangerine dream sucked... many others had the same problems..... I know there are good "tangerine" strains out there just not from barneys farm.

the barneys farm TD sucked - - - shitty genetics, a majority of seeds didn't pop for many... nobody had a perfect germ rate... the plants that did grow, grew like shit. Then stretched 4x in flower (for 3 different people).. Then just foxtails for no reason, with 60% fluffy airy buds under HPS.

..thanks for the kind words racerboy :)

420 couple

Thanks for the info we checked out Veganics with Matt Rize. Girls we got now vegged for 13 week flipped them over 12/12 at 42inches for the Kushberrys. Counting flowering after 10 days of switch. Going into 3rd week they are now at 53 inches full of flowers:leaf:. Still have over 6 weeks to go.

420 couple

Thanks for the tip yeah we are stouked mmg looks nasty we are going to grow single kolas, and flower around 2ft, my question is do they grow faster when singles ? my super lemon haze flowered at 30" are about 42" after 3 weeks trying for 54" peace


bud bootlegger
Thanks for the tip yeah we are stouked mmg looks nasty we are going to grow single kolas, and flower around 2ft, my question is do they grow faster when singles ? my super lemon haze flowered at 30" are about 42" after 3 weeks trying for 54" peace
usually when you top a plant for multiple colas, they take about a week or so to fully recover from the stress associated with topping them, so i'd imagine that growing a single cola plant vs. a topped one would indeed grow a bit faster due to the fact that it doesn't have to recover from the topping..