Inforce's Second Grow [Bagseed]


Well-Known Member
i think it might be bruce W, but nice looking growth cant wait to see the first pics of all the hairs popping out...


Well-Known Member
hopefully today we get some surefire signs of sex. I need to invest in a magnifying glass anyways for when it's harvest time.. but we both think that the large one is a female. It has the calyx's but on one or two of them as of yesterday you could see a single hair coming out of a few of em and hanging off to the side slightly. The only way I could see it is when I look up at the hps but at an angle..

In any case they are hairs :) 4 more hours till the lights go back on :p I need to mist the plants right now, ill be back!


Well-Known Member
Checked the plants today. They all show hairs growing out the
top of them, out of the top cola area. They are starting to get extremely
bushy and the stems are the strongest I have ever seen. Going to
start molasses tomorrow.

The big first plant (which happens to not be so tall compared to
the others now after the HPS got ahold of them) is 26 1/2 inches
tall while the others are around 20. Didn't measure them. They
all have crystals on the hairs coming out the top as well as crystals
on the leaves.. very cool to look at.

So I included a photo to determine sex on the large one. They
look like they have a hair coming out the "calyx" (is that how to
spell it?), so I assume its a female.. let me know if I am wrong.
It took a few shots to get a closeup shot but I am proud of it.

So analyze these and let me know your opinions! I added a second
grow bar that has the spectrums for flowerin, rather that
enhance flowering. They all have no problems whatsoever and
are very, very healthy. Comments?

This is a close-up shot using my 7mp Casio camera.

Shot of the plants and their heights.

I love aerial shots. I have some of my plants as my wallpaper on my laptop. They're very green!

The two flowering CFL bars I use are going to be mounted vertically tomorrow via some hanging method. I kinda added them as an afterthought in the past week.

Another closeup. The lightbar on the backside. 250Watt HPS on top. Also
have a few 42 watt cfls I can hang around the plant if needed for extra lighting but as far as we go the 250 has performed greatly as you can see. Plants are happy.

So thats the progress report!


Well-Known Member
u dun need the molasses now dude!!! wtf.... i dun see any hairs, but if u had, then good for ya and congrats.... u need some fertilizer with more phosphorus for bloomin' npk 5-35-5 or some kinda shit..... u should add molases when u flushin ur plants in the final stages of the flowering cycle.....Cheers!!!


Well-Known Member
Kinda bummed.. think the big one may be a male. I still have the other two
and they are 19 inches and I wish to get rid of the big plant if its indeed a male
that way I can have the other 2 soak up more light and get around 30 inches :p
So does anyone know what it is?


Well-Known Member
the first pic for sure looks male sorry man, but keep your fingers crossed about the other to. generally males grow taller and and skinner and females are shorter and fatter. IMO


Well-Known Member
Okay yah I wasnt too bummed, its kinda a guessing game with bagseed. At least I learned how to grow them right. Yah I think the other tall one might be male but im pretty sure the squat bushy one is female so I will focus on her. I can see the calyxs forming like right on the plant instead of like a stick and a ball like on the large male.

So you guys, thats for sure a male?


Well-Known Member
Pulled the two males. Sad to see a 30 inch plant thrown away.. the other was 23ish. But I am pretty sure the last one is a male.. if not Im buying seeds and restarting this journal which will suck.. grrr... but hey if this is truly a fem then im gonna grow the hell
out of it! :) She will be happy with the added space. Will post updated pics after she shows sex for sure. Otherwise yep. :(


Well-Known Member
hey man i know it sucks, the first 2 i grew to about 25 in then flowered and both turned male on me:( but it has been all females since so gl... did you kill the other two already?? i would be sure that one in the pic is for sure male before i would trash him....


Well-Known Member
Yah I checked the top cola, ballsacks forming. lol looked like popcorn :( We think
the last one may be a female, but if not I dont even care, I will order me some primo seeds and start some feminized grow , all the feminized seeds on nirvana look dank as hell. Hope this last one will be a female. Keeping fingers crossed so as not to end inforce's 2nd grow early :(


Well-Known Member
they are crossed as hard as i can man:) gl and you should put up a plug on this journal if you do restart i would like to follow:)


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys. Guess you prolly know what happened.. yep all three of my plants were 100% male. And healthy. Thanks for all your help. I started germinating a new batch of seeds, I am going to do 5 gallon buckets and grow probably 4 plants. Maybe three again.
I will be going 100% HPS. Wish me luck!

2 of the seeds have cracked! In 24 hours or so I will be planting! I will start the new journal tommorow :) I will order the fox farm nutes asap too.


Well-Known Member
Yah they are sitting in the bucket now.. put 3 cracked seeds in so we are on our way as long as they poke out. One of these better be female!


Well-Known Member
fuck i even put another in a big cup.. so i need another bucket for it and possibly one more. ahahha what if i get like all4 males this time.. last time was 3 males.. wtf!
bad luck :(
least i grew em good right!?