A copy of the warrent to search my apartment, a felony conviction for manufacture with intent to distribute, 3 years probation and a talk with the annonmous after the fact.
Very very sorry to hear that white widower. That truely sucks. Do you have the warrent? I would love to see/read it if you have a copy of it.
You got a felony conviction for manufacture with intent to distribute, and you only got 3 years probation? Was that your first offense? What state are you in? Around here you get ALOT more time than that.
Do you know that the anonymous person was the ONLY piece of evidence the police had against you? How did you know it was that person, if it's anonymous?
For your information they dont just search trash, they check usage of electric for patterns, and follow you that is what takes a month to come up with prob cause. When none of there tries get that prob cause they will just send a dog in for a hit. You can think they wont spend resources for dogs they already have them out on patrol doing nothing so why not have some fun and a little practice cops think this stuff is fun.
Not to harp on a point, but what experience and/or training do you have to confirm this? If it is your one run in with the law, it would be very difficult for you to be able to say that this is the national standard.
In certain areas, it takes a warrant to check the usage of electric for patterns. Giving up that information is under the discretion of the electricity company, granted most times they give it out without a problem, not all companies and not under all jurisdictions is it like this.
Not all jurisdictions have drug dogs. Dont' automatically assume that everyone has loads of drug dogs just wandering around, because they don't.
Lastly how do you know what they would do? Have you ever been in this position or know anyone who has? Keep thinking you will get a knock and talk you will see. Let me know what pen you will be in and I will send you some commecary money when your knock and talk is more like a battering ram door bell kid.
A. Chill out
B. No, I have never been in the position, although I know a few people that have. But that doesn't really matter, because when the cops show up with a warrant, they don't give you an explanation of how they "followed you around for a month", or how long they searched through your trash.
C. You don't know anything about me, or my training. As it ends up, I have worked for a state level law enforcement agency, and have gone through more than one training programs, one national. I am also a member of the local, and state Bar Association (for security reasons, I would really prefer not to mention the area, or the state).
Let me know what pen you will be in and I will send you some commecary money when your knock and talk is more like a battering ram door bell kid.
Kid? HAHA. That's actually funny to me.
But, I can't believe you would put this level of evil on me, or anyone for that matter. I'm just at a loss of words over that statement.
I think I'll just ignore that comment, and move on with my otherwise wonderful day.