Information on the marijuana legalization in Ohio


Ohio every state on its borders already having legal weed or a bill of it in there legislature. Within the borders of Ohio possession of marijuana is a fourth degree misdemeanor which you can be arrested and given 30 days in jail. The governor of Ohio supposedly passed a bill causing the decriminalization of possession of under 100 grams marijuana is a minor misdemeanor. The bill is suppose to take effect September 28th. the O.C.M.A. (Ohio medical cannabis association) was trying to legalize marijuana in Ohio at the 2012 ballot, but is now pushing for 2014 to which they can attempt to decriminalize marijuana or make it a medicinal product and regulated. polls have been shown that 3/4 of the residents of Ohio are for the legalization of marijuana.
~ W3ST :joint:


Well-Known Member
Yet the wheels are now greased and all we need is people to push the agenda!

Keep a positive vibe. You are NOT alone!

The wall to the keep has been breached! So be brave and enter the fray with us all.

Donate monies if you cannot or will not volunteer.

It can happen sooner rather than later but it will happen!


Active Member
Ohio can make it happen. Ohioans need to get plugged in to the power groups that make policy happen!


Active Member
If you say so....I think it's a step in the right direction. Also, ANYTHING could happen. Last year it was illegal to have a casino. We have 3 now. MONEY MONEY MONEY... It's all about the money. Ohio is no different. All it takes is for Ohioans to stand the fuck up and put it on the ballot. But SADLY, you are probably right. People are just too lazy. Personally, I will sign the petition and vote if it comes to a vote. IF it goes that far...It would be nice though.
Illinois just passed the bill this morning. They are just waiting for the governor to sign. As long as there is money to be made, the states will start going along with it.


Well-Known Member
As someone stated earlier, Ohio will be one of the last states to make marijuana legal for medical use. The Ohio House of Legislators is majority republican and to make matters worse, they are the "old timer" types that actually believe Marijuana is a highly addictive, highly destructive drug that should be destroyed. I contacted the Ohio NORML chapter and after speaking with them and e-mailing back and forth for a while I came to the conclusion that even 2014 will be a far reach of getting it put on a ballot for the people to vote on. The biggest thing that the Ohio NORML chapter kept bringing up was "money", that they needed "more money", and would love for me to donate to their cause. It's something that I don't get, if 75% of Ohioans are for the legalization of Medical Marijuana, then why has it been so hard to get it passed here. I also contacted two other groups who have been petitioning to get it on the ballot. Both of these groups failed in getting enough signatures to get it on the 2012 ballot and are now saying it "could" happen in 2014, but they are not sure yet because, "We just need more money so we can start collecting more signatures". I love the cause, I support the cause, but it just seems like these three groups are using this as a way to make money for themselves. I have been to a ton of different events all over Ohio this past year, and not one time have I seen anyone collecting signatures. I have to admit, I didn't go to the hemp fest in Columbus, and I was told that they were their getting signatures, but only collected a few hundred. I even asked a ton of my friends who smoke, and none of them has seen anyone collecting signatures. I talked to the workers in a few different hydro stores and they even said they haven't seen any petitions yet, as well as a few smoke shops, the biggest one being cloud nine, who told me that the Ohio NORML chapter meets up every now and then but they just go out to dinner at a Tee Jays and all they talk about is just smoking, how legalizing for medical use is a good idea, but never bring up any ideas of how to collect more signatures.

Sorry for this being so long, but it just gets under my skin that all these other states, and some are typical conservative controlled states have passed it for medical use, and two states has passed it for recreational use, but the people who are suppose to be out there collecting signatures are doing a very poor job of getting this done in Ohio.

For those who want to help, get in touch with the Ohio NORML chapter, Ohio Patient Network, Ohio Alternative Treatment Amendment, and they have links so you can download a petition with the rules so you can start collecting signatures as well, and just send them back to them. I downloaded the stuff and have been out plenty of times, and I get a really good response from people on this. We just don't have enough people who are willing to get out there and actually collect signatures. We don't have any representatives of Ohio who aren't dumb on this topic, so we have to do it the hard way.

We do have one politician in Ohio who is trying to get it legalized for medical use and his name is Rep. Hagan. Bad thing, he is retiring this year. Hagan has been trying to get this passed for years now, and each time he says the bills he has introduced dies almost immediately. He stated that it gets shot down without anyone being able to argue their side of it. That shows how conservative these politicians from Ohio really are, and thats why we need new ones. Also, the two bills Hagan just introduced in early May of this year, Hagan said that the bills will most likely "stall out", meaning that the Ohio House of Reps are going to be going on break, and there is some kind of stipulation that if a bill doesn't get a chance to be brought to the floor before this break, it automatically kills the bill and you can't introduce it again until the next year.

The republican politicians in Ohio are just too hard headed and staunch in their beliefs and will never change their minds no matter how much money it would bring to the state. I'm going to keep fighting for our rights here in Ohio, as I hope many others are. Even if we collect enough signatures, get it on the 2014 ballot, you already know these Rep's will just take their time for making it legit, so in reality, the earliest we could see medical marijuana become a real life thing in Ohio, with dispensaries and what not, will probably be more like the middle to end of 2015.....seems like it's sooo far away and such a loooong wait. I now know how the backers from the 60's and 70's feel; they too thought it was going to happen sooner rather than later.

It's a shame.


Well-Known Member
I live in what it probably the most fucked up backward state in the union and we passed a medical marijuana law by a couple hundred votes. We had many ballot intitiatives before that that failed miserably.

The important thing is you just keep throwing up ballot initiatives, consitutional amendments or whatever the fuck in your state until it passes. It's only a matter of time now.


Well-Known Member
I do agree that it's eventually going to pass in Ohio, I can guarantee that 100%. The problem is that I feel it's going to take a lot longer than what people are saying, or thinking. I have asked these groups a few times on how many signatures they have in total so far and all they keep saying is that they are no where close to the 385,000 signatures needed. Right now we have 13 months to collect that many signatures, well not the whole 385,000 signatures, but I'm guess we will need at least 300,000 signatures. If anyone else on here is from Ohio I urge you to get in contact with the organizations that I gave links to in my last post and print out the petition forms and start collecting, we need all the help possible. After contacting NORML headquarters and asked if they could send more resources to Ohio, they said that Ohio wasn't on their agenda because there are other states that are likelier to pass it for medical use. I feel like NORML is giving up on us, hell, not even making an attempt. They even realize that Ohio is a staunch republican strong hold for prohibition and they "want to use their resources for other states that are more "supportive" of medical marijuana". Hell, I thought that a 75% approval rating for medical marijuana in Ohio would be promising enough for these supporters with money to come help get the word out here in Ohio as well as help collect signatures.

Also, I want to urge every Ohioan who reads this in time to come down to Comfest on June 28-30. I know they will have people down there collecting signatures this year, as well as myself.

Being born and raised in Ohio I know that Michigan is a huge rival for us, and if the people in Michigan can get it done (no offense to any Michigan smokers), then we can do it too. Are we gonna let Michigan beat us like that? lol