Infrared light effect sleep time???


Active Member
I'm thinking of buying a infrared webcam and hook it up to a laptop n keeping it by the room and having a program take a picture every minute or so and I was wondering will the infrared lights from the webcam effect the night time sleep for the flowering room

I figured i'd ask before buying one...

Peace out bongsmilie

Mr Bomb

Active Member
Im not sure but dont think so. I use a green head mounted light to enter my grow room after dark (in emergencies of course) and have never had any problems. I have heard the green spectrum lighting is basically non-existent to the plants but Im not sure where infrared fits into the whole equation.


Active Member
The infra red isn't an emission in terms of cameras, it is a receptor designed to read the lower spectrum, with lights out it boosts that, there is no risk to light cycle with a camera (unless it provides it's own lighting as many do, but then you can mask or cut off the LEDs).

I am about to start flowering in the coming days, at which point I'm going to greenlight the room so the camera can carry on recording while they sleep, doing exactly what you are looking at doing. I have been told that if you remove the red lens layer in a digital camera then it will do proper nightvision without the need for green light, so I'll be testing that first to see if there's a way to grab footage without any lights (I know the green thing is supposed to work, however I just don't trust the odds of slight spectrum overspill)


Active Member
bump, I have a cordless webcam with infrared lights around the edge of the lens. Anybody have any updates as to whether this will affect my plants during flower? They're in week 4, and i'm scared to try it w/o knowing 4 sure..any help is appreciated


It really shouldn't. IR light isn't a part of the visible spectrum that plants use. Try it out and if you are noticing your plants are lagging behind when it comes flower time you will know. Even if it were to set you back 2 weeks its an easy problem to solve and does no long term damage.