He didn`t mean using a lighter, just inhaling the acetone which is in the bongwater.
I always used to smell and sniff things before I would even concider using a drug. Just plain curiosity which goes as far as tasting %95 mineral acids, smelling ammonia, chlorine, formaldehyde you name it. At those stages of my life offer me weed and I would just look at you in a dissapointed silence
Theres nothing to feel stupid about or regret, I`m pretty damn healthy and I have a "great opinion" on todays health & safety =)
I don`t remember how much acetone I sniffed but a few sniffs of %99 etyl alcohol or acetone I remember used to give me a tiny buzz. I don`t reccomend huffing it "properly" I just did it out of the bottle while I was using it for god knows what chemistry experiment lol
2 facts to concider:
1)Alcoholics get brain damage when the liver malfunctions and can`t get rid of the alcohol, which leaves acetone in the bloodstream damaging brain cells.
2)Sniffing acetone mildly once can`t be that bad if its approved for removing nail varnish every day or so.
Whatever you do with it don`t do it again lol