Inherited Plant that was just Harvested..What to Do?

Hey Guys,
My roommate walked in last night with a couple plants that had just been harvested. I have grown before but from seeds and clones and don't quite know where to start since the plants were just harvested. What do I do? What lighting cycle should i start out with and for how long? All information is appreciated!


Active Member
Have any pics?

Put them under 24 hours of light, it might take a long time for them to show any new growth.


If there's still some leaves and small buds you could probablly salvage them with the right equipment, but if its just a stem then I'd just toss em out


Well-Known Member
doesnt make any fucking sence
yea im with this guy, that is not a good option with cannabis. The plant naturally wants to die after flowering, it's only purpose in life is to create flowers and seeds, then the life cycle starts over again. It would be hard to make it continue growing and it won't grow as well as a new plant


Active Member
yea im with this guy, that is not a good option with cannabis. The plant naturally wants to die after flowering, it's only purpose in life is to create flowers and seeds, then the life cycle starts over again. It would be hard to make it continue growing and it won't grow as well as a new plant
I 3rd that :bigjoint:


New Member
listen when a femlae plant has flowered make sure there is still a few small buds left... Why ? because all the other leaves will wither an die off but new flowers will grow from the tiny buds that are left it will take 2 weeks just to show new growth... give it time... try to get it replanted in a slighty larger pot with new soil on the bottom an the sides... This is important to make sure to water your plant ever 2 or 3 days make sure after the first week use Nuts... For Growth not bloom.


Well-Known Member
Put it in the window for a few weeks until it starts to reveg. Give it 18+ hours of light if possible to initiate veg growth.


Well-Known Member
if u can make clones from a flowering plant why cant u just regenerate them?

the clones go thru the veg cycle all over again