Initial seedling leaves, help


Active Member
So I have a quick question about my seedlings, are the initial round leaves supposed to fall off real soon or die off or something?
One of my sprouts, the first one to start growing has a rather large yellowish white spot on it and I think it may be heat but want to make sure that the round initial leaves aren't supposed to die real quickly or something,



Well-Known Member
yea they fall off/die when the plant gets a bit taller and can support it self symmetrically


New Member
How long ago did they sprout what are ur room temps and what are they in and what lighting and is it vented or just recirc the air? A lot of ?'S I know lol just COULD be a number of things if they popped two days ago there is a chance u have a problem but 5-14(only stayed on that long once personally) days old it is more than normal. Let see some pics of these tiny beasters anyway! G/l with the grow ill be watching and try to help in anyway possible to ensure u get to smoke some homegrown goodness. Peace and smoke
I was having similar problems myself. I sprouted 3 seeds in a seed propagator and planted them in coffee mugs. I recently transplanted them into red plastic cups 2 days ago and i checked them today and the bigger leaves are sagging and super droopy. The cotyledons are curled up and really yellow (one of them is kinda black on the tips). Should I be concerned that they're not getting enough nutes? Is this normal, or shock from the recent transplant perhaps? Any suggestions will help I'm a total noob. Thanks!