Initial Set Up Complete Help Still Needed(Ventilation, Lighting, New growth questions

Hey fellow growers this is my grow ever. I've spent a lot of time reading up on things and was able to get a good start. However I still have some questions. Currently I have a grow box that is about 40" High - 28" Long -17.5" Deep constructed out of 1/4 plywood and some random wooden museum trays found at a scrap exchange store. I have 8 26 watt 6500 K light bulbs. 6 lights are attached to a power a strip via Y splitters. The other two are attached to one of those clip on light clamp. I have two plants currently growing and both are from bag seed from some random bud. Basically right now the grow box doesn't have any ventilation besides a big ass fan sitting in front of the cut out portion where the door should be. I have two 4 inch holes in the box one on the bottom right side and the other on the top left side( See pics). I also have the cut out portion for the door(picture). I also have a 4 inch inline fan. Also how are the plants looking? strangely enough the smaller one was planted before the bigger one.

My questions are...

How should I attach the door? I have weather stripping and cabinet hinges. Or should I just forget about the door and find an alternative.

How should I go about ventilating? Should I attach duct from the box to the fan then put a filter on the other side of the fan? and how many intake holes do I need to optimize negative pressure? Do I need small fan in there to circulate things along with the inline fan attached?

How should I do my lighting without really using anything that needs to be wired together? Is my current light set up good or should I space the lights out a bit?

Finally how are my plants looking? (8 days old small one 7 days old big one)

Also any general suggestions are welcomed.

Thanks so much I plan to document this grow so stay tuned for updates



Well-Known Member
Nice setup. I will attack the door question.

You could run a 1/4 half round, self stick weatherstrip around the opening about 1/4 to 1/2 inch from the hole and mount the door on hinges. You might have to run two rows of stripping. To check if you have a proper light seal, crank up the lights with no lights on outside the grow box. Make necessary adjustments to any light leaks.


Well-Known Member
Just out of curiosity what is with the picture of the white piece of paper?

Nice little setup by the way. Plants look fine/average for 8 days old, first month is kind of boring.


Definitely use that 4 inch fan to exhaust the room I always like having my room under neg air pressure but that's just me
okay as far as creating negative pressure goes... I plan to seal up the front of the box as described above with weather stripping. Could I also seal it using like a car windshield reflector with velcro? has anyone tried that? Would it be relatively air tight? And I think I have to have a passive intake to create the negative pressure so how many intake holes should i have? I currently have one 4" exhaust hole top left and one 4" intake hole bottom right. Is that adequate and if not where should I place the other intake hole(s) on the box to maximize air flow.


That should be fine how many cubic feet of space do u have in your room and what is your fan rated at? As an example my tent has about 40 cubic feet of space and my exhaust fan pulls 125cfm as a result I have a 400w hips in there and no problems with heat