injunction/court case updates

at least it's something....them filing that discontinuance and not saying a bloody word to anyone...that wasn't cool!
at least we now know what's happening and nw what will happen. too bad new people won't be included but anyone with the MMAR will hopefully be allowed to make changes!
So if I understand this correctly, June 3 is the last day for submissions, then Phelan gets to stew over it for X months...I don't think we will hear a decision before the election. I hope I'm wrong.
I guess it depends on what u consider fall.
He made it sound like he isnt to optimistic about it being early so your right whatfg probably a bit after the next election.
Hopefully he is right and it gets opened up for all prescribed patients to be able to grow their own.
I hope faster but I dought it also, then new gov will take yrs to pull it out of there ass. if that's the case ill notorize address change threw a lawyer and have patients sign off saying they need medicine and cant afford and FUCK THE GOV
the way it the way it will stay until well passed the next election. feds ..NDP..lib...cons......want to lose the business that the cons have started.
They have wanted it this way for quite a they can work both sides of the fence ......
agreed ndp are as bad as the rest and wont do anything, imo. jt has the best chance to do something but he is controlled by $ and more powerful people, he will do what they tell him and give us the finger
Lets face it none of these politicians give two shits about sick people in general nevermind mj patients.
Its always going to be about money and that will never change regardless who wins.
Jt wants the lps to be sucessfull because they are owned by his buddies.
Unless this judge flips the government the finger those of us that werent "lucky" enough to get sick by a certain date are s.o.l
And eventually so will the mmar guys.
Gov doesnt want to share their pie
Let's just give the ndp the lead for one term before we go throwing our collective votes for jt. The recreational market isn't my concern. Ndp say decriminalize and study. Sounds a lot better then jt's plant to let his buddy's make billions and prop up the lp's.
I'll repeat it, cannabis is a corporate crop now in Canada, with the mandatory sentences/MMPR the gov did a nice coupe to make it a commercial product. They took it from the plebs and gave it to corporations. Look how quickly MMPR went from We want any sizes of business involved to you ain't got 10-20Mil to invest you ain't getting shit and if you manage to make it on the cheap we'll just change the MMPR rules to rule you out.