injunction/court case updates

It's been a few years since I had to 'see' a doctor for mmj, but I used a skype doctor through MCRCI in Vancouver. It cost me $500 or something, but it worked. Is that still an option? It would get you into the 'medically approved' category.
they are still active. i go there too
I couldn't sit through this one. The only time I thought to myself "WTF is this guy smoking?" Some pretty dumb conspiracies. That Chad guy is a fucken nutbar by the sounds of it. More like #FearmongeringinCanada. Jesus even when we win we lose according to these guys, already doubting, and making up a bunch of wild scenarios when we should keep moving forward
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Oh look its Jason Willnot you know the paper in your ass that willnot come out when your wiping. I did not watch this one, but seen one seen em all, he talks out of his ass, a lot of people in the Canadian Cannabis Commnotunity are fucking wack jobs, he is one of them, all of them are losers trying to sell something, trying to act like they are some kind of Cannabis God, Fuk you all.
Wilcox and Conroy have been ripping you guys off for years now.

Thanks for the information TheDizzyBizzy, would you care to elaborate?

What do you think of the MMAR Coalition Against Repeal changing their tune and are now supporting dispensaries and Compassion clubs and their priority does not appear to be defending our home grows? How will they differentiate where the funds go?

Where are they explaining to the patients what is going on? Can someone post here there explanation as to where their steering committee is and who Is representing the leftouts and our gardens?
Did Sam Mellace's New Age Medical get his LP Licence? I see on his website that he is fully licenced now and recognized by Health Canada. The last I had heard he had filed a Section 18 Federal Court Request for a Judicial Review of the Health Canada LP Program for rejecting his LP Application. Now he is fully licenced? Congratulations! Maybe all the persons rejected should file a section 18!
We are committed to offering a non-dependent, non-addictive pain relief alternative to those suffering from diagnosed conditions and illnesses – through the legal, licensed distribution of medicinal marijuana, by prescription to those patients who are medically approved. Our goal is to increase awareness and availability of our innovative, preservative-free, additive free and chemical-free marijuana products to all those in need.

Recognized by Health Canada, we are fully licensed, approved and legally permitted to produce and distribute marijuana for medicinal purposes.

With extensive experience and research in the field, New Age specializes in working with both doctors and patients, creating effective long-term relief tailored for each individual patient throughout their treatment program.

Im thinkin with how the new laws will be set out..that some MMAR could very well start a business if they were up to it..A small ma and pa deal...but one that could keep a family going and that grew the best damn meds there was :lol:

Im thinkin with how the new laws will be set out..that some MMAR could very well start a business if they were up to it..A small ma and pa deal...but one that could keep a family going and that grew the best damn meds there was :lol:

They would regulate it to death.... expense it outta any normal income people.... you gotta be either rich or a criminal ... hahaha or both