injunction/court case updates

Nope to most of this. When something is 'overturned on appeal' then exactly what you are stating happens, a higher court says you should get a punishment that the lower court didn't say you should. That's the purpose of having appeal divisions, when a lower court judge errs it's their job to fix it.

And keep in mind lower court decisions aren't federally binding, which is why in R v Smith edibles / extracts were allowed only in BC. So even if this decision did all the things that are being claimed, it would only be in Quebec. Every other province would have different rules.

I'd say at most this is an encouraging soundbite. Phelan's decision is most certainly not void.
I'm being facetious

its rather obvious how things should be.
We were given biased twitter coverage that made everything look rosy for us.
Perhaps he has more evidence to weigh than we are aware of.
I can't think of a single thing that would require six months to 'weigh'. If there had been important evidence presented by the crown that would require that much scrutiny, I think we would have heard about it. The trial was not conducted in secret. I honestly don't know how he is going to justify the delay. If it is the 'wrong' ruling, the backlash will be fierce and his ruling will be overturned at the SCoC anyway.
let it all fail!!!!!

.... that would mean patients could then continue growing indefinitely until this BS is figured out.........

Harper already stuck Cannada into the ditch by putting everything into oil sands.
they're the ones who paid his ticket into office last election.
I hope they screw him back somehow...
I'm sure they have a fail safe clause that will come out in the wash and show Harper as the moron who gave away his country.

thank you for your intelligent observation...MMAR patients and Harper supporters have created the same reality...both blindly supported an egotistical psychopath's leadership and financed their failed campaigns...For the past decade Harper has caused all of Canada's investment dollars to be focused on development of the Alberta tar sands without regard to the environment or the economy and now that the price of a barrel of oil has dropped below $40 there have been over 30,000 lay-offs from the oil-patch in the last 10 months... For the past 3 years, patients have blindly handed over their scarce funds to finance Wilcox's remote and, heretofore, unaffordable lifestyle and now that the Allard Action has left-out no less than 50% of the patients with no hope of appeal, Wilcox has bid the penniless patient 'adieux' and is now courting the dispensary owner, and although they are fewer in number, their pockets and flush with investment you see that Haroer and Wilcox are simply a variation of the same theme
thank you for your intelligent observation...MMAR patients and Harper supporters have created the same reality...both blindly supported an egotistical psychopath's leadership and financed their failed campaigns...For the past decade Harper has caused all of Canada's investment dollars to be focused on development of the Alberta tar sands without regard to the environment or the economy and now that the price of a barrel of oil has dropped below $40 there have been over 30,000 lay-offs from the oil-patch in the last 10 months... For the past 3 years, patients have blindly handed over their scarce funds to finance Wilcox's remote and, heretofore, unaffordable lifestyle and now that the Allard Action has left-out no less than 50% of the patients with no hope of appeal, Wilcox has bid the penniless patient 'adieux' and is now courting the dispensary owner, and although they are fewer in number, their pockets and flush with investment you see that Haroer and Wilcox are simply a variation of the same theme
@Nadine Bews Thanks...the type info I like to read about.
Now take it and stuff it up their rear end if you have the proof...
I don't like morons who cheat others with their lies and deceit.
True...Wilcox SOUNDS as slimy as our last PM. The difference is , I knew our PM and also knew he was a moron, in my view.
And you say Tousaw has his hands in this as well? He certainly wouldn't need to have his hands there now.
Charities only have to give 10% of what they take in.

Why were you let go?

Maybe it might be an idea to go after Wilcox and get him to flip the bill for patient court costs...
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@Nadine Bews Thanks...the type info I like to read about.
Now take it and stuff it up their rear end if you have the proof...
I don't like morons who cheat others with their lies and deceit.
True...Wilcox SOUNDS as slimy as our last PM. The difference is , I knew our PM and also knew he was a moron, in my view.
And you say Tousaw has his hands in this as well? He certainly wouldn't need to have his hands there now.
Charities only have to give 10% of what they take in.

Why were you let go?

Maybe it might be an idea to go after Wilcox and get him to flip the bill for patient court costs...
Yes, I have an abundance of hard evidence of wrongful professional corporate and financial conduct by both Conroy and Wilcox who expelled me from the Coalition three times...the first time was in March 2013, after Conroy returned from Terrace BC where Bob Erb was benevolently dispensing his lottery winnings to cannabis activists and Conroy was there to represent the Coalition but Wilcox told me that Keith Fagan, the Prairaie Province rep at NORML Canada and owner of both Alberta and Calgary 420, advised Conroy not to work with me because I was 'trouble'. I told Wilcox that the only trouble I could cause Conroy was because I was the former founder and Secretary-Treasurer the Universal Compassion Club of Calgary (UCC), the sister club of Conroy's BC Compassion Club and the only person outside of the 'Kruse cannabis conspiracy' that knew that Conroy, as legal counsel for the BCCC, had counselled Hilary Black the president of BCCC to assist her good friend Debra Harper, president of the UCC to intentionally lie to the BC court in the matter of the defence of Wilreid Kruse getting busted for cultivating over 600 plants and brandishing weapons (BCPC flie No.3189C)
Debra Harper falsely told the court that the UCC had agreed with Kruse to cultivate the cannabis crop for the patients at the UCC but this was a lie fabricated after the fact in exchange for Kruse to supply to UCC in the future. The reason that Conroy master-minded the great cannabis deception was to further the medicinal cannabis cause.
Debra Harper operated the UCC consistent with Wilcox and the Coalition and failed to advise the members of the UCC of her deal with the devil and we only found out later when Kruse breached the terms of agreement by failing to provide any medicine once he received a conditional discharge for growing the pot and 50 hours community service at Kruse's favourite hangout, the SPCA, for brandishing weapons. The reason Harper was acting as president of the UCC at the time was because the former UCC founder and president, Grant Kreiger, was spending 30 days in jail for getting busted with 29 plants and a filing cabinet full of patient files...Kruse was busted in April 1999 and got the 600 plants discharged and did 50 hours community service for weapons meanwhile the UCC conveniently got busted 4 months later with 29 plants and a filing cabinet full of patient files and Kreiger got 30 days in jail...I told Wilcox that I was going to prepare a statutory declaration regarding this intentional deception and file it in BC court and hold those party to the conspiracy and slander of my good name accountable. Wilcox freaked out and expelled me upon Conroy's instruction..but Wilcox is a functional illiterate and Youtube videos do not replace proper documentation in legal format so Wilcox had to ask me back to prepare Conroy's tri-folds and posters and host the Coalition's booth at Sandra Colasanti's Vancouver 2013 Health Expo along with Wilcox's ex, Anne Genovy held at the end of June 2013.. Conroy also attend the Health Expo and gave the same little speech he gave at the Treating Yourself Expo held the previous month at the end of May 2013. I told Wilcox that I wanted to hold a proper board meeting with Conroy and thef Steering Committee members present; myself, Wilcox, Joy Davies and Steve Finlay in order to discuss legal strategy and to address my concerns about the slander that Fagan had circulated about me in Terrace BC in regard to BCPC File No 3189C. Once again Wilcox freaked out and Conroy instructed Wilcox to expel me from the Coalition, so Wilcox circulated slander that I was drunk and delusional the entire time while staffing the Coalition's booth at the Expo..this was strongly supported by Wilcox's partner and my co-worker at the booth, Anne Genovy,They spent a glorious summer strategically distributing lock boxes across Canada and gathering thousands of untraceable cash for their use and to finance their new and previously remote unaffordable lifestyle, jetsetting across Canada and hosting fund raising events and attending private pot parties. Conroy had claimed in his tri-folds and posters that he was going to file the injunction by September 30, 2013 but by the beginning of September he still had not even developed a template for soliciting Victim Impact Statements from suitable candidates to act as representatives for the pendng action. Wilcox was wrongly certain that Conroy would choose him to be the principle plaintiff because he was Conroy's client so Wilcox asked me back as the Coalition's Volunteer Coordinator and with a request that I prepare him a kick-ass Victim Impact Statement which I obediently did and was promptly expelled once I was finished the document....what else would you like to know?
Yes, I have an abundance of hard evidence of wrongful professional corporate and financial conduct by both Conroy and Wilcox who expelled me from the Coalition three times...the first time was in March 2013, after Conroy returned from Terrace BC where Bob Erb was benevolently dispensing his lottery winnings to cannabis activists and Conroy was there to represent the Coalition but Wilcox told me that Keith Fagan, the Prairaie Province rep at NORML Canada and owner of both Alberta and Calgary 420, advised Conroy not to work with me because I was 'trouble'. I told Wilcox that the only trouble I could cause Conroy was because I was the former founder and Secretary-Treasurer the Universal Compassion Club of Calgary (UCC), the sister club of Conroy's BC Compassion Club and the only person outside of the 'Kruse cannabis conspiracy' that knew that Conroy, as legal counsel for the BCCC, had counselled Hilary Black the president of BCCC to assist her good friend Debra Harper, president of the UCC to intentionally lie to the BC court in the matter of the defence of Wilreid Kruse getting busted for cultivating over 600 plants and brandishing weapons (BCPC flie No.3189C)
Debra Harper falsely told the court that the UCC had agreed with Kruse to cultivate the cannabis crop for the patients at the UCC but this was a lie fabricated after the fact in exchange for Kruse to supply to UCC in the future. The reason that Conroy master-minded the great cannabis deception was to further the medicinal cannabis cause.
Debra Harper operated the UCC consistent with Wilcox and the Coalition and failed to advise the members of the UCC of her deal with the devil and we only found out later when Kruse breached the terms of agreement by failing to provide any medicine once he received a conditional discharge for growing the pot and 50 hours community service at Kruse's favourite hangout, the SPCA, for brandishing weapons. The reason Harper was acting as president of the UCC at the time was because the former UCC founder and president, Grant Kreiger, was spending 30 days in jail for getting busted with 29 plants and a filing cabinet full of patient files...Kruse was busted in April 1999 and got the 600 plants discharged and did 50 hours community service for weapons meanwhile the UCC conveniently got busted 4 months later with 29 plants and a filing cabinet full of patient files and Kreiger got 30 days in jail...I told Wilcox that I was going to prepare a statutory declaration regarding this intentional deception and file it in BC court and hold those party to the conspiracy and slander of my good name accountable. Wilcox freaked out and expelled me upon Conroy's instruction..but Wilcox is a functional illiterate and Youtube videos do not replace proper documentation in legal format so Wilcox had to ask me back to prepare Conroy's tri-folds and posters and host the Coalition's booth at Sandra Colasanti's Vancouver 2013 Health Expo along with Wilcox's ex, Anne Genovy held at the end of June 2013.. Conroy also attend the Health Expo and gave the same little speech he gave at the Treating Yourself Expo held the previous month at the end of May 2013. I told Wilcox that I wanted to hold a proper board meeting with Conroy and thef Steering Committee members present; myself, Wilcox, Joy Davies and Steve Finlay in order to discuss legal strategy and to address my concerns about the slander that Fagan had circulated about me in Terrace BC in regard to BCPC File No 3189C. Once again Wilcox freaked out and Conroy instructed Wilcox to expel me from the Coalition, so Wilcox circulated slander that I was drunk and delusional the entire time while staffing the Coalition's booth at the Expo..this was strongly supported by Wilcox's partner and my co-worker at the booth, Anne Genovy,They spent a glorious summer strategically distributing lock boxes across Canada and gathering thousands of untraceable cash for their use and to finance their new and previously remote unaffordable lifestyle, jetsetting across Canada and hosting fund raising events and attending private pot parties. Conroy had claimed in his tri-folds and posters that he was going to file the injunction by September 30, 2013 but by the beginning of September he still had not even developed a template for soliciting Victim Impact Statements from suitable candidates to act as representatives for the pendng action. Wilcox was wrongly certain that Conroy would choose him to be the principle plaintiff because he was Conroy's client so Wilcox asked me back as the Coalition's Volunteer Coordinator and with a request that I prepare him a kick-ass Victim Impact Statement which I obediently did and was promptly expelled once I was finished the document....what else would you like to know?
Is there Lawyer that will be helping you on this?
Lock boxes eh...yup I see how that could be a real problem . Proving that seems impossible.
sounds like there has been a lot of unauthorized use of our money by these clowns.
I'm in full agreement to go after anyone who used and abused their status in the coalition.
Everyone got suckered. It is what it is.
I think that whole situation is shot now unfortunately.

I would love to see the financial contributions from the LPs.
Yes, I have an abundance of hard evidence of wrongful professional corporate and financial conduct by both Conroy and Wilcox who expelled me from the Coalition three times...the first time was in March 2013, after Conroy returned from Terrace BC where Bob Erb was benevolently dispensing his lottery winnings to cannabis activists and Conroy was there to represent the Coalition but Wilcox told me that Keith Fagan, the Prairaie Province rep at NORML Canada and owner of both Alberta and Calgary 420, advised Conroy not to work with me because I was 'trouble'. I told Wilcox that the only trouble I could cause Conroy was because I was the former founder and Secretary-Treasurer the Universal Compassion Club of Calgary (UCC), the sister club of Conroy's BC Compassion Club and the only person outside of the 'Kruse cannabis conspiracy' that knew that Conroy, as legal counsel for the BCCC, had counselled Hilary Black the president of BCCC to assist her good friend Debra Harper, president of the UCC to intentionally lie to the BC court in the matter of the defence of Wilreid Kruse getting busted for cultivating over 600 plants and brandishing weapons (BCPC flie No.3189C)
Debra Harper falsely told the court that the UCC had agreed with Kruse to cultivate the cannabis crop for the patients at the UCC but this was a lie fabricated after the fact in exchange for Kruse to supply to UCC in the future. The reason that Conroy master-minded the great cannabis deception was to further the medicinal cannabis cause.
Debra Harper operated the UCC consistent with Wilcox and the Coalition and failed to advise the members of the UCC of her deal with the devil and we only found out later when Kruse breached the terms of agreement by failing to provide any medicine once he received a conditional discharge for growing the pot and 50 hours community service at Kruse's favourite hangout, the SPCA, for brandishing weapons. The reason Harper was acting as president of the UCC at the time was because the former UCC founder and president, Grant Kreiger, was spending 30 days in jail for getting busted with 29 plants and a filing cabinet full of patient files...Kruse was busted in April 1999 and got the 600 plants discharged and did 50 hours community service for weapons meanwhile the UCC conveniently got busted 4 months later with 29 plants and a filing cabinet full of patient files and Kreiger got 30 days in jail...I told Wilcox that I was going to prepare a statutory declaration regarding this intentional deception and file it in BC court and hold those party to the conspiracy and slander of my good name accountable. Wilcox freaked out and expelled me upon Conroy's instruction..but Wilcox is a functional illiterate and Youtube videos do not replace proper documentation in legal format so Wilcox had to ask me back to prepare Conroy's tri-folds and posters and host the Coalition's booth at Sandra Colasanti's Vancouver 2013 Health Expo along with Wilcox's ex, Anne Genovy held at the end of June 2013.. Conroy also attend the Health Expo and gave the same little speech he gave at the Treating Yourself Expo held the previous month at the end of May 2013. I told Wilcox that I wanted to hold a proper board meeting with Conroy and thef Steering Committee members present; myself, Wilcox, Joy Davies and Steve Finlay in order to discuss legal strategy and to address my concerns about the slander that Fagan had circulated about me in Terrace BC in regard to BCPC File No 3189C. Once again Wilcox freaked out and Conroy instructed Wilcox to expel me from the Coalition, so Wilcox circulated slander that I was drunk and delusional the entire time while staffing the Coalition's booth at the Expo..this was strongly supported by Wilcox's partner and my co-worker at the booth, Anne Genovy,They spent a glorious summer strategically distributing lock boxes across Canada and gathering thousands of untraceable cash for their use and to finance their new and previously remote unaffordable lifestyle, jetsetting across Canada and hosting fund raising events and attending private pot parties. Conroy had claimed in his tri-folds and posters that he was going to file the injunction by September 30, 2013 but by the beginning of September he still had not even developed a template for soliciting Victim Impact Statements from suitable candidates to act as representatives for the pendng action. Wilcox was wrongly certain that Conroy would choose him to be the principle plaintiff because he was Conroy's client so Wilcox asked me back as the Coalition's Volunteer Coordinator and with a request that I prepare him a kick-ass Victim Impact Statement which I obediently did and was promptly expelled once I was finished the document....what else would you like to know?
So after all the shady shit went down u still went back twice?
And what exactly are you hoping for now as an outcome?
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I was thinking going back twice Nadine is not the best policy and may work against you and therefore us. But whats done is done and I still think worth pursuing.
Yes, hindsight is always 20-20, however, I wanted to keep my eye on their activities and sometimes in my line of work as a forensic auditor you have to accept the unacceptable in order to conduct research and amass the necessary evidence for legal action. I feel a great deal of personal responsibility for empowering Wilcox with my documents and I shall fight as hard to remedy the matter as I did to empower the psychopath. I have been slandered, intimidated and threatened by Wilcox and his close associates and enforcers but I would rather die taking a bullet for the cause than kill myself with thoughts of regret and the inability to respond which will kill me faster than any speeding bullet...