Well-Known Member
How do figure?
This summer we had to call the cops on our neighbor. He went ballistic after we told him we were not going to trim our blackberry bushes. He started threatening to call the cops because of our illegal grow, so I told him to go ahead and do so if he feels inclined. Then he said he will just burn the place down so our insurance won't cover us, so I phoned the cops.
They came spoke to him, then stopped by our place. Asked if we had a grow, I said yes, I'm a MMAR patient who is still covered under the injunction. He asked how many plants I have, I said I have 4 in my flowering room(s) and maybe a dozen or so in veg. He then asked if 4 plants was enough for me to produce my meds? I said it is with the plants cropping out once a month. He then said I should look into some charcoal filters to help with the smell (apparently my exhaust wasn't running when he walked around the building). Then he wanted to know if I knew of any other medical grows in the community. I said No, even though it's almost every other house on my block (No joke).
Then he went on to say our neighbor has PTSD and claims the smell of marijuana triggers it. I just laughed and said that's funny, I see him smoking it all the time and I'm pretty sure he doesn't even have a medical license. The cop chuckled and explained that he has told him not to talk to us anymore and if he has issues then he can get his wife to come over and talk to us. Then he drove away.
No cuffs, No court, he didnt even ask to take a look, just took my word on my plant count, offered me some advice on controlling the smell and away he went with a handshake and a smile.
Uhhh, they DID show up and didn't take shit. In fact all I had to say was MMAR and he left. He didn't even ask to see the paper.
I remember you going on about this before, but I just fail to see your line of thought on this one.
The police resources line is still active at HC so the cops can call and ask if an address has a MMAR license attached to it.
An LP script is a lable or a piece of paper provided by a private company, and there isn't an industry standard for it so they all look different. Which makes it difficult for all the police forces to familiarize themselves with every LPs script. MMAR license is an official government document that is the same across the board from BC to Nova Scotia.
Sorry sir but you are completely misinformed.
That little pink slip of paper has gotten me out of alot of confrontations with law enforcement.
Having a plant count that is under the number on your mmar papers draws a look of defeat over the officers face and usually an apology as well.
I printed out the injunction order and currently have a "doctors note" dated for the beginning of this year so that might have helped?
Anyway do not underestimate the mmar, it may not be active anymore, but the lack of restrictions was always astounding to me!
Peace and Pot
I've gone over this with gb many times myself over the last year but for some reason he refuses to believe the truth about that particular topic. I've even had to deal with the fuzz first hand myself with this situation(showed them my medical garden, licenses and stored meds) but he still doesn't accept the truth about it, I have no idea why. No disrespect to gb, he's seems like a good guy and all, we just don't see eye to eye on this one. It's the internet though, it happens, no biggie really.
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