I am a licensed trapper. To get that license, I had to sign a contract with the gov't (like all licenses).
Part of this license states that the game warden can enter my house, without notice, at any time to inspect my freezer for any extra, unclaimed pelts. If I dont let him in....boom..there goes my license.
When we are allowed to continue to grow, I suspect similar requirements will be put in place. This is my guess.
1-A one time wiring inspection (similar to when I got my wood burning chimney installed, fire inspector had to sign off for insurance)
2- Random plant count visits by HC inspectors
Not the same deal Mr.
Not at all.
The OMNR have to deal with THIEVES and is why they have a clause that says they can STOP, SEARCH AND SEIZE anything, when ever. under the idea that the suspect MAY rid himself of the evidence needed to convict!
They DO NOT need a warrant!!!!!!
They do indeed BRING THE RCMP or LOCAL police with them in their search as they USE the police as back up in case of any violence.
WHICH in turn gives the police FULL access to your house ...

fucking BULLSHIT tactics... all 100% legal!!
Patients are not considered thieves or are they a Danger to anyone.

If I were growing. It wouldn't bother me when they wanted to come. Someone would just have to be home at the time