injunction/court case updates

i don't think it's being afraid. you say your grows are clean and good etc so you are confident that you produce a good clean product. you're not the only one with "standards" and there are other grpowers who take the same pride in their work. we need more like that!
then there are the folks who throw in seeds, water it hack it down and call it meds. those people should be shot!
they way i would test it-ask for a sample. if it's good and passes "my" standards, then you move forward. anyone can talk a good game.
if i move forward, stay for 2 crops unless crop one is really bad. if nothing changes from 1 to 2, get out. there are a lot of fish in the sea. (now i sound like a dating website...haha)
we've been burned by a few but you'll never know.
look at LP's...they have had a lot of recalls so patients are out of meds. some irradiate because they are bad at what they do. the same problem lies with ANY grower.
there was a patient a few months ago who posted the "free bug" that came in their meds...and that was from a LP who had "standards"

I'm not disputing that there isn't quality, or compassionate growers out there. I'm not special or unique, I know many growers that share my passion. But I know an equal amount of unscrupulous and shady growers too. It all comes down to due diligence, as a consumer/patient there is a certain onus on you to research and investigate where your meds are coming from. My point is that if a grower agreed to some sort of guideline to follow that would be an indication that they are comfortable in their growing techniques and standards. Ill be the first one to say LP's are not perfect, when you start treating cannabis as a commodity and not a plant you loose the passion and commitment to this sacred herb. I have devoted my life to the cannabis plant, it will never become a commodity in my eyes, I'm simply a farmer who what's to share the fruits of his labour. I'm like everybody else, I have a family, mortgage and bills to pay for, my time needs to be compensated with fairly. Same as my help, and this would reflect in the cost of my product, I'm not looking to get rich or have the golden ticket, I'm rich in other ways, I have my health, loving family, and many friends. The icing on the cake would be to love what I do for a living, while helping people at the same time. You shouldn't paint all Licenced producers with the same brush, we are not all like Tweed or Tilray, we just need a chance to prove our selves, and so far we haven't been given that chance. Hopefully our time will come, we will be the ones that put those monstrocities out of business.

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I'm not disputing that there isn't quality, or compassionate growers out there. I'm not special or unique, I know many growers that share my passion. But I know an equal amount of unscrupulous and shady growers too. It all comes down to due diligence, as a consumer/patient there is a certain onus on you to research and investigate where your meds are coming from. My point is that if a grower agreed to some sort of guideline to follow that would be an indication that they are comfortable in their growing techniques and standards. Ill be the first one to say LP's are not perfect, when you start treating cannabis as a commodity and not a plant you loose the passion and commitment to this sacred herb. I have devoted my life to the cannabis plant, it will never become a commodity in my eyes, I'm simply a farmer who what's to share the fruits of his labour. I'm like everybody else, I have a family, mortgage and bills to pay for, my time needs to be compensated with fairly. Same as my help, and this would reflect in the cost of my product, I'm not looking to get rich or have the golden ticket, I'm rich in other ways, I have my health, loving family, and many friends. The icing on the cake would be to love what I do for a living, while helping people at the same time. You shouldn't paint all Licenced producers with the same brush, we are not all like Tweed or Tilray, we just need a chance to prove our selves, and so far we haven't been given that chance. Hopefully our time will come, we will be the ones that put those monstocities out of business.

very cool.
i'm not painting them with the same brush. you were saying how would a DG pass "standards" and i was asking stuff.
i still wouldn't buy from a LP yet. maybe one day but i would prefer someone I know who loves what they do...that way you get better grows/product. the big guys can't give their plants's just too big
Am I the only person from the MMAR who is worried that we will be losing our plant counts? I was wondering if that would become a reason for another court challenge. Would any of you go that route if they changed your plant count to say something really bad like 5 plants from whatever you're at now with the injunction? And if we did take it to court, I wonder what kind of a chance we would have at winning? Any thoughts?
Everyone is concerned about plant count, even Conroy in his Allard win press confrence he said hes not sure how plant count and daily dosage will be affected.
Everyone is concerned about plant count, even Conroy in his Allard win press confrence he said hes not sure how plant count and daily dosage will be affected.
On the flip side, I met a guy at a buddy's place the other day who just had his doctor double his plant count to 1000! He says he juices, doctor wrote the script and he hung it on the wall beside his garden. Someone like me has a 49 plant license but only uses half of it for what I need. Dosage is up to the doctor, so I think the only way HC could screw with plant counts would be to redo the formula for g/day = x plants.
did anyone see that Phelan didn't accept Wilcox or CONroy's secretary's testimony's? didn't give them much credit. this made me laugh. if a judge doesn't trust them....???

[160] Mr. Jason Wilcoz and Ms. Danielle Lukiv were plaintiff witnesses who provided affidavit evidence on the correspondence they received from MMAR patients. I would give their evidence little weight and find that the issues around the MMPR are more adequately addressed by the other evidence.
On the flip side, I met a guy at a buddy's place the other day who just had his doctor double his plant count to 1000! He says he juices, doctor wrote the script and he hung it on the wall beside his garden. Someone like me has a 49 plant license but only uses half of it for what I need. Dosage is up to the doctor, so I think the only way HC could screw with plant counts would be to redo the formula for g/day = x plants.
I have the same thing, my mmar lapsed by 2 weeks so Im a left i moved locations. My doctor for the last 3 years has been giving me my gpd/plant count/storage on a doctors note. My collection of documents consist of 4 years of applications, 4 sets of pinks and 3 years of the same dr notes. Who's going to charge me!? they can all go fuck themselves
On the flip side, I met a guy at a buddy's place the other day who just had his doctor double his plant count to 1000! He says he juices, doctor wrote the script and he hung it on the wall beside his garden. Someone like me has a 49 plant license but only uses half of it for what I need. Dosage is up to the doctor, so I think the only way HC could screw with plant counts would be to redo the formula for g/day = x plants.

That's ridiculous. There's no way anybody needs that many plants for personal production. You could potentially grow 225lbs a month with that script. Even for juicing the costs to grow that many plants indoors would be unsustainable.

That's ridiculous. There's no way anybody needs that many plants for personal production. You could potentially grow 225lbs a month with that script. Even for juicing the costs to grow that many plants indoors would be unsustainable.

225 a month from 49 plants?? i guess if you grew them big enough but for the regular Joe, that seems like a good amount. i guess you would grow 1 plant for someone who only uses a pound a month?
when you dial in to produce what you need, it might be hard to try to get more from less plants.
i think there will be arguments about plant counts. once they open the box, it's hard to put it back.
They can't, it's no a commodity or good. They can't tax the food you grow, it shouldn't be any different. There might be an inspection fee through the city, like a building permit.

From what I understand MMJ inspections are gonna fall onto the insurance industry. Much like the snow tire rebate in Ontario, and now UBER driver coverage coast-to-coast.
That's ridiculous. There's no way anybody needs that many plants for personal production. You could potentially grow 225lbs a month with that script. Even for juicing the costs to grow that many plants indoors would be unsustainable.

you really are showing your prowess mr...
why not just say what and WHY its unsustainable? :lol:

Oh this is gonna be good for a laugh....flip up your take on it.. :)
If you are cash cropping you'd be looking into HC controlling the plant numbers although I don't think the 1000 lighters are coming back those idiots are now broke and hopefully learnt their lesson how the products in the black market gets it price.
That's ridiculous. There's no way anybody needs that many plants for personal production. You could potentially grow 225lbs a month with that script. Even for juicing the costs to grow that many plants indoors would be unsustainable.

Agreed. I'd never met the guy before, but I guarantee he ain't juicing 1000 plants. Guys like him keep the focus away from small growers...and the less eyes on my garden, the better.