Well-Known Member
How do you figure? Clearly, it’s not the same as refrigeration. But if I’m only concerned with temps in one particular area, and I use an extraction fan to direct the hot air away from that area, I thereby control temperatures in the area in question. The setting of my variable fan speed controller directly correlates to the temperature in my tent.A fan is not a way to control temperatures.
Some more details about my setup: I have an absolutely massive basement, and used double-layer moving blankets to wall off an approximately 15x25 area, which includes one small window to the backyard. Currently, I’m exhausting both tents upward toward the ceiling but still within the “room,” because the ambient temps in the basement are only about 56 this time of year otherwise. My temps in both tents top out at about 79. I did experiment with sending the exhaust out into the rest of the basement, and that greatly reduces the temp differential between the grow area and the remainder of the basement. So I know my moving blankets are functioning as a significant thermal insulator/barrier. I also have the option to exhaust out the window through a solid piece of fiberglass insulation I retrofitted with two removable 6-in ports. I will most likely begin doing this as the external temps increase in spring. So essentially, each tent can pull from and/or exhaust to three different areas: the walled off grow area, the larger basement area, and outside. By using fans to move air to and from these distinct areas, I’m able to exert a good deal of control over the temperatures.