Inline duct boosters??


Well-Known Member
can i use an "Inline Duct Booster" instead of buying more "Inline Fans" they're way cheaper but do they do they same job as an inline fan? has anyone tried this?


Well-Known Member
i have em, they arn't as good but they are cheaper. I keep my 600w cool with a cool tube and one of those as an exhaust and one as an intake.


Well-Known Member
o ok, well i have a 1000w thats being cooled by a 4" vortex but i want to add 2 600w to that venting system and i was thinking instead of buying more vortex fans just add a few boosters in the ducting and it should keep evrythin cool?


Well-Known Member
i guess it depends. I don't think a 4" duct booster can move enough air to cool 2 600w. How about instead of linking them all why not just put the 600ws on a different exhaust and then connect them in the room before the end of the exhaust with a Y ducting. This way your not pushing got air from the 1000w on 600w while hoping that the boosters work. I think two booster (one pushing before the 1st 600w and one pulling after the 2nd one) would be cool if they were on their own exhaust.


Well-Known Member
I was just about to post my solution and then I saw this. I am in a room 4x4x7 and was debating on what to do about my current situation.

I had a booster moving air from outside my grow room moving cool air though and expending it into the house while I pulled cool air into the grow room through a 6" Vortex. I added a 4x12 Phat Filter today to kill smell and instead of adding another fan to increase general airflow I rethought everything and it works perfect now.

I have a 6" Vortex inline on a dimmer at about 75% bringing air in. Instead of dedicating the booster fan to the light and buying another inline for the exhaust I switched the ducting around so they can work in unison. I hooked up the carbon filter to the intake for the light cooling.

Now, the cool air enters the room through the Vortex (449cfm @75%) and leaves the room through the 200cfm Phat filter and then through the light and is pulled out of the room using the 184cfm hydrofarm booster fan and it exits to the outside world with zero odor. The booster fan was under $50 and when combined with the intake you get ample airflow.

The Vortex at 336cfm (449 @75%) plus the 200cfm booster is about 536cfm of total circulation I'm guessing. I could be wrong though.

Yesterday my whole place smelled like green plants and poop and fish. After adding the Phat Filter you would never know anything was going on and the re-ducting I did has allowed me to increase airflow without adding fans. In addition, the changes in ducting I just made dropped my temp from 89 to 74 and brought my humidity from 56 to 39.

Hope this helps



Well-Known Member
sweet man thanks that does help, looks awesome what kind of plants r they? im building my ultimate grow room right now its 11.5x7.5 in a 8ft dome shed, ill post pics soon wer almost done!


Well-Known Member
Ha Ha Ha! Sonoma Coma! Supposedly that used to grow on a mountain near a road called Cavedale. I heard it was the bomb because it had to do something with the mist that would roll of the side of the hill where the plants grew. I find it hard to believe that mist would help growing. It's just a story I heard


Well-Known Member
Not too funny. California is a small place. I bet a good percentage of the people on this site are from Cali. Not to mention, the cannabis community is pretty tight nit so chances are some of the users on the may know each other and not even know it


Well-Known Member
Useless. There is a reason why there ae SO much cheaper, they are. :)

He's right. I was just letting you know how I do it. I am in a small space that works well with my 6" Vortex. I just use the booster as a "booster". The Vortex does the rest of the work.

Your grow space is about 9 times bigger than mine if you're looking at cubic feet. Your 4" isn't going to cut it. Look at adding a couple 6" fans or one 12" if your intake and exhaust situation permits. A single 4" fan isn't going to move enough air for a 690cu/ft room.


Well-Known Member
ok thanks for the input guys im goin to use the 4" to cool the 1000w and the 2 600w will each have their own 4" also, then a 8" or 10" on a carbon filter for smell, and i dont think im goin to have a fresh air intake i was thinkin of putting a Co2 injection system is that a good idea???


Well-Known Member
If you live in a rural area in Sonoma County I would definitely think about some kind of filtration for your intake to reduce the risk of spider mites and other creatures that could find their way in through ventilation.

Does anybody know if pair of panty hose over the intake duct would be enough to keep out pests without killing airflow? That would be cheap but I'm not sure how effective it would be.

co2 is a must if you can fit it in your budget. It doesn't cost much compared to how much it will increase yield. The initial investment will be under $300 for tank and regulator and the upkeep isn't expensive. Just bring your 20lb tanks to your local weld supply store and they'll fill them up for you. If they ask you what you need co2 for just tell them you have a kegerator


Well-Known Member
i have heard of people using pantyhose as a filter on one of these threads dont remember what one tho and dont know how well they worked lol, but ya i am definetly gettin a Co2 system but i guess my question is that could the Co2 injection system take place of a fresh air intake?

the room is completely sealed, i think if i was to put a fresh air intake and exhaust holes in the room then i will have a better chance of getting mites etc., should i take air from the room next to the grow room?