Rancho Cucamonga
Active Member
I fucking love the hum of a inline fan in the morning, it smells like, victory.
Edit-I should of said "it sounds like".
Edit-I should of said "it sounds like".
i lined my entire inside of my vehicle with this stuff when i used to compete in db drag and usaci competitions. its is an excellent sound deadening material. but im not sure if it turns sound into heat, as my car would have been set on fire if that were the case. 157db with 1 amp, 1 sub and 2 batteries.
heat is another prob im having seems like a fix one issue and 3 more pop up
yea thats some crafty shitThat radio idea is fucking brilliantly simple, and if your stations suck just make a cd-r that will last as long as your cycle of fan is on or something..
But that must be the cheapest idea I have heard, quite literally!