Input for my GrowShop

Greetings :weed:,

I'm looking forward to opening a Growshop in my country due to the fact there is none here. I would like to here from you guys, which are some things I could order to get the Shop started. I was thinking fertilizers, soil mixes, nutrients. NOT SEEDS. What fertilizers and nutrients are the ones you recommend. What brand would give me the best bang for my buck.

Just some general input guys if you have the time..

P.S. :I want to ship all my products to Miami, and then have it shipped to my country, Bolivia.

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member

Call them/email them.. see what they can arrange for you.
best supplier out there. All I can say! <3! Good luck!
Live your dream! <3


Active Member
I don't know what country you are from.. but shit man, be careful.. I already don't like the sounds of it..

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Oh and one more thing.
Yea bro cross out Seeds... your not getting away with that one.
Stick to Hydroponic equipment.