Input is needed..PICS!!!


First off I just built my grow room. I have:
Miracle grow organic soil w/perlite
no nutes
400w MH light (18/6)
60% humidity
70 degrees for my temp
just raised light

The biggest plants are 12 weeks:
Curling at the top
Feel rubebry
just transplanted today 3/9/10

The smaller ones are about 9 weeks:
leaves not so green
purple stems
bottom leaves have dark spots (dying)

Please help!!!
Germinating skunk mix now



Well-Known Member
Well miracle grow is terrible for cannibus in the late stages, between no nutrients due to the fact cannibus depleats nutrients faster in a time released soil*, you might wanna fert them. However if you do see that the leaves perk up then it could b just transplant issues


Well-Known Member
Yeah mjh is right on.
did they do that after you transplanted? I would say thats what did it if they did. Give em a little time they will be ok.


Well-Known Member
First off I just built my grow room. I have:
Miracle grow organic soil w/perlite
no nutes
400w MH light (18/6)
60% humidity
70 degrees for my temp
just raised light

The biggest plants are 12 weeks:
Curling at the top
Feel rubebry
just transplanted today 3/9/10

The smaller ones are about 9 weeks:
leaves not so green
purple stems
bottom leaves have dark spots (dying)

Please help!!!
Germinating skunk mix now
I used mg nutes in a small pot it's only good for a feww weeks the they need nutes mine looked like that i ordered some flora nova nutes and the blew up in days.


Well-Known Member
off subject here but jbrownin your avatar pic does that scale say 3.5g or 35g? cause if thats a 35 g blunt i must say good job my man


Well-Known Member
most of your plants look overwatered: with holes in the bottom of your pots you should water until water flows out of the bottom. then let dry until soil is dry a couple of inches down before you water again. you'll end up watering every few days.

it is time for nutes for your larger plants - look on this site for nute suggestions.

you should divide your room into two grow areas so you can veg young ones with 18/6 at the same time you flower the older ones with 12/12.