if nothing else, you'll have your own unique crosses. you never know what you'll get from freebies. if you have a good enough male, you should get something decent at least out of hybrid vigor. it's your job to tell US how each of your gals tastes and smokes.
i like to cross everything i test with at least one male and have started collecting pollen. i have several packets of C99 x A11 frozen and will be knocking everything up with that at least on 1 bud as well as a malawi gold male. listening to DJ shorts, i'm going to stop selecting for fastest flowering males and select for slower less dominant ones. it seems counter-intuitive, but if there's better chance of higher quality, i'll try that.
once you've bred all of your gals, you'll have a better idea of which of your mom's was the best and then you can even back cross to the original mother or in between offspring if you want to select for the father's traits too. if nothing else, you'll always have genetics to start over with in an emergency.