Input sought on 2 pot RDWC design


Well-Known Member
Hi All,

I am moderately experienced in rDWC and have 2 successful grows under my belt with a 4 pot system (Heisenburg design). I am downsizing and want to create a simple 2 pot system and have 3 design ideas I was looking for input on. See Picture20220114_115120.jpg

Ignore the pump stuff.. just the A, B, and C.
A has the pump in the res coming up to a "T" and then flexible hoses or PVC going to each pot with waterfall inflows.
B the flow goes from res into first pot, then second put, and then a pump pulls water back into the res.
C this is the traditional uniform symmetrical design I have experience with.

Just curious if anyone has any thoughts/input.. much appreciated!
Hi All,

I am moderately experienced in rDWC and have 2 successful grows under my belt with a 4 pot system (Heisenburg design). I am downsizing and want to create a simple 2 pot system and have 3 design ideas I was looking for input on. See PictureView attachment 5066870

Ignore the pump stuff.. just the A, B, and C.
A has the pump in the res coming up to a "T" and then flexible hoses or PVC going to each pot with waterfall inflows.
B the flow goes from res into first pot, then second put, and then a pump pulls water back into the res.
C this is the traditional uniform symmetrical design I have experience with.

Just curious if anyone has any thoughts/input.. much appreciated!
I'm currently using the C setup. The only difference is on my setup I have top feed which can be shut off easily and im using 6 gallon buckets for sites and have a 30 gallon reservoir. My top feed is more of a middle feed and my pump runs the ring inside bucket about mid root level and also runs the recirculating water. So far it seems to be way more explosive on growth vs just an undercurrent system. I can send pics if your interested. Sounds like you've got it under control though.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply. That is interesting you are seeing better results with a different setup. Typically these pumps are recirculating the nutrient solutions many, many times per hour so it doesnt seem like any setup should be different. Do you think your setup is injecting more air into the pots? I have huge airstones with tons of bubbles in each pot.. hard to believe you can get any more aeration. Thank you
Thanks for the reply. That is interesting you are seeing better results with a different setup. Typically these pumps are recirculating the nutrient solutions many, many times per hour so it doesnt seem like any setup should be different. Do you think your setup is injecting more air into the pots? I have huge airstones with tons of bubbles in each pot.. hard to believe you can get any more aeration. Thank you
I think they do get more aeration in the pot at the roots. I'm running 2 big stones but I believe the rings I made are creating mini water falls at the roots.


Well-Known Member
I have huge airstones with tons of bubbles in each pot
also say go with C

i used a submersible pump that fed out to tote 1 and tote 2 via 3/4" heater hose. at the end of the hose, i built a PVC plug that had about 10 1/8" holes in it. mount that on the top of your tote lid spraying down into the tote (think of the kitchen sink spray hose)

that spray blasting down on the water surface is all the DO you need. ditch your airtstones.