Insane seeds will take your money and run


Hello everyone, I had an issue with $200 seeds from insane seeds and they did nothing but tell me oh well thats a breeder problem. So when I asked for the breeders contact info I was told to basically go away. Stay away from insane seeds!!! The seeds did nothing much, out of 7 I had 1 grow. They were relentless genetics seeds and the worst I've ever tried to germinate. I've run mass medical, lit farms, in house genetics all with no issues.
Seed banks don't give out contact info for breeders as a rule. And Insane didn't "take your money and run" they sent you what you ordered and you had less than optimal results. From their perspective, this very well could have been user error. Next time you might have better luck ordering from a domestic bank instead of one based in Puerto Rico, simply due to the seeds travelling less and potentially being exposed to less extreme temperatures.
I'd think it was user error if I didn't have 14 year experience but I do and I've not had any issues to this extent in all the years. So your saying if I get a poor product I should just eat it?
Basically. Unfortunately nobody will guarantee germ rate as far as i know. If they gave you poor products its safe to say you wont be back so their loss and that kind of thing gets around. If it doesn’t get around it’s probably a one off , or as stated somewhere between them and you something out of their control occured imo. I know nothing of insane seed or any particular product but thats my .02
I believe this buisness will change with legalization. I've ordered from them a few other times before, which I pointed out and had no issues. This was a first trying out relentless genetics because I heard good things. I germinated 3 beans from mass medical the same day and 2 days later they were looking great. These relentless seeds did nothing except for 1 of them. My germ rate from all other breeders has been around 98%. So I'll never use insane seeds or relentless genetics again especially cuz insane told me too bad go away. I'm not a newbie so I know it's the seeds.
Sorry, I've been growing for alot of years. I started growing in soil and changed over to hydro about 8-9 years ago. I use hlg 600 led's in DWC. Currently running a bunch of different strains from in house, mass medical, lit farms, clearwater genetics. Here are some pics of what I'm running. Apple fritter, grape pupil, Washington apple


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I presume this is also a no, but if you use discord it looks like Relentless has a discord server as well.
Lol you are correct I do not use discord. I think it's just strange mass medical has a site, in house genetics also has a web site. Relentless does not
Yes 200 bucks and insane told me too bad so I'm a little upset especially cuz im not a new customer never complained about anything before so I'm obviously not trying to scam them just looking for some decent customer service.
The best banks in my opinion are. North atlantic seed bank, Neptune seed bank, heavily Connected Seed Bank and heritage seed bank. I spend a few thousand every month between those companies and have never been done wrong, not once. There were a few times my order got lost in shipping and the companies replaced them even though I selected no shipping guarantee orders with no guarantee are all sales final no guarantee. I never pay the extra $10 for guarantee shipping. Good ethical companies will do you rightThe pictures don't look like plants grown from someone with 14 years experience. If that's the case then it was probably a concurrent lack of skill. I do believe insaneseeds does have many scam knock off predators tho so probably a combination of the two scenarios. SoSorry. I have a friend that has been growing for 15 years and has poor experiences every time. Try popping the seeds in a 50/50 ratio of 3% h2o2/water and then moving them to your favorite tissue culture medium. Sterility works wonders.