Insane Stretching?


Active Member
I just had my birthday in december and decided i was finally going to grow. It is however a stealth grow because i go to school near home so i still live here. currently i have a set of 30 seedlings groing in the old space where my computer used to be, i have to conceal any light leaking out, (which i did) but that poses the problem of air circulation and heat.

currently i have some insane stretching going on. (thats what it looks like from pictures i have seen.

(will post pictures soon)

Also, i have a 4x2 space that i will move as many plants into that i can ( i will choose the best plants as suggested by you) in to the 8ft sq space. it is also just over 2 feet tall, i don't know if that will cause many problems but it's what i have to work with. I am thinking one mother where i had my seedlings, and two plants every two weeks. for a total of 8 plants at one time +mother in soil.

My parents are leaving for Paris in a week or so, so i will be able to bring any materials into the house without any suspicion. I was thinkning one or two sets of Paired fluorescent tubes i can get from a wrecked NRB Portable building. I may use a string of lights, or the HPS lights i have heard so much about.

i will also post the picture of the crawl space.
EDIT: when i move to the new space i will be able to move air, i have my clothing drawers in font of the space so i can cut a hole through the back of the cupboards and put some speaker cloth over it to dim light and leave the other door open.
(reserved for picture(s))


Active Member
I forgot to add, I want repeat grow them until spring when i can grow outdoors. how long can i make a plant stay inside without budding/smell


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to say, but dont grow in your parents house man, have some respect for them. You want to do what you want?...move out and then start growing.


Active Member
we will not lose our house and i am moving out come summer. I would though like help, i pay rent to them and the basement of the home is mine, locked. so they are unaware as t owhat is going on down here, they come into the large room somtimes to play fooseball, never in my room.


Well-Known Member
The whole point of the matter is that, it is not YOUR house. Think of the heartache you will cause your parents. Respect is the bottom line, and alot of us here have it...we would NEVER grow in a situation that will cause more then just us grief.

BUT...if you must, stretching is caused from a few things, here are the most common things.

1. Not enough light
2. Not the right kind of lights
3. Lights are too far away
4. Feeding it the wrong nutes


Active Member
homegrown, thank you, and i know where you come from, i had the option of moving into apparptments closer tro where igo to school, they begged me to stay.

but anyways, i have two of the non dimmer, twisty style bulbs, (remind me of mini fluorescents which i think they are) and i have 27plants alot of them are 4"+ at only one week, and only a few plants have more then the first pair of leaves (ignoring the sprouting leaves (round ones)) i don't know if it is the strain i have or if it's my own fault, as for nutes, a very diluted jobes plant formula (no name)

label reads,
guaranteed minimum analysis
0.005% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
Available Phosphate....0.010%
soluble Potash.....0.005%
Derived from Ammonium Phosphate, Potassium Phosphate, Potassium Chloride, Ammonium Sulfate

i have about 64 ml of this stuff mixed with about 6 liters of water that i let stand for 72 hours (have a fish tank bubbler in there to keep it from going stale)


Well-Known Member
Some pictures would be really helpful, man. Since you're growing them inside a small space, then I doubt the plants are stretching out to find light... Post some pictures soon so we can actually help.


Active Member
alright so i got my neighbour to bring me his nice camera with a macro lens, it doesnt have a flash so i cant get a picture of the crawlspace.

i think i may just be paranoid for the babies, but they look horrible compared to some of the babies i've seen

these look alot shorter and fuller, maybe it's strain (sativa vs. indica) mine are not to pretty, but i do believe i have the easier strain to gfrow



Well-Known Member
Ok your main problem is that you have no where NEAR enough lighting. For 27 plants you really should look at getting at least 1 1000W MH/HPS setup. Growing with CFL's is ok for maybe 1 or 2 plants, which i am doing, and i am using 7 of those CFL's for my 1 plant, and it looks pretty nice actually, growth wise. Also too they look very thin, so throw a fan on them to stregthen them up.

Your other problem is your nutes...they are lacking Nitrogen...look for something that is like 20-5-5, or i would recommend buying some from your local hydro's better balanced. If you don't have a hydro store, get some from an online store, there are plenty listed here on this site that are trusted.


Active Member
more pics of them including one yellowing and the one with four leaves, started tuesday of last week. so a week and two days.

picture one, one of my plants that seems like it is dieing, a little yelow/burnt :S
picture two, yellowing right in the middle where it splits
picture three, a better view of the yellowing
picture four, looks stretchy to me?
picture five, roots coming out of the peat pot
picture six, plant with most leaves
picture seven, behind the drums is a raised bed, i will be moving them into the space below the bed.



Active Member
Ok your main problem is that you have no where NEAR enough lighting. For 27 plants you really should look at getting at least 1 1000W MH/HPS setup. Growing with CFL's is ok for maybe 1 or 2 plants, which i am doing, and i am using 7 of those CFL's for my 1 plant, and it looks pretty nice actually, growth wise. Also too they look very thin, so throw a fan on them to stregthen them up.

Your other problem is your nutes...they are lacking Nitrogen...look for something that is like 20-5-5, or i would recommend buying some from your local hydro's better balanced. If you don't have a hydro store, get some from an online store, there are plenty listed here on this site that are trusted.
thanks, theres a hydro store on my way from school, ill grab one on the drive monday. and i do have a fan on them, have it on a timer so it turns on at 10:30 and shuts off at 7:30 on one minute intervals, one minute on, one off, you get the idea.


Well-Known Member
Ok good...just make sure it's got a high (N) and low (P) (K)

If at all possible have the fan running all the time 24/7


Active Member
Ok good...just make sure it's got a high (N) and low (P) (K)

If at all possible have the fan running all the time 24/7
alright, ill make sure to write down the nute specs and ill pick it up tomorrow night. and the fan can go on for a bit, i hadto throw in an incandescent bub:neutral: really quick to bring up the temperature, im intallking a string of cfl's like another ihave seen, 4 cool, 3 hot, and maybe one incandescent for heat.


Well-Known Member
I also had some stretching issues. My plants were less than a week old and falling over. I put a fan on low in the corner and they seemed to straighten right out. weak stems, I guess.