insect/animal repelent?

General Kush

Active Member
anyone know a good insect and animal repelent so the pesky critters dont get to my crops?....i live in new englend where deer roam and love to eat bud and was hoping someone would tell me where and what to buy that would keep things like deer, bud worms, and other creatures away from my babies...


Well-Known Member
i use 2 foot tall chicken wire cages around every plant with the top part closed . once the plant reaches the top, open it up and let it grow out. by this time deer are used to it and there is plenty other native vegetation around for them to eat. ive never had them chomp any of my plants after this point.

as far as insects, the best thing to use is neem oil, but i am currently using a garlic/dish detergent spray that i brew up myself. if you got the $$$ just buy some neem oil concentrate!

p.s im not familiar with budworms yet, soo you may have to find a specific product for them, if neem doesnt take care of them???