Insect Infestation - My beautifuls are hurt!

Noah 420

Active Member
Hello everyone,

This is my first real growing experience, and I'd like to think they are doing wonderful, but over the past few days I have been noticing insects, and I don't know how to stop them, or even what they are. :(

Below are the symptoms:

Looks like one of them has worms or something in the leaves, the lower leaves have trails going through them kind of like when worms get in wood.

Holes, I'm assuming these are from grasshoppers, or something??

MITES - I have positively identified mites, as long with what I believe is called a "white fly". No idea how to rid my babies of them.

Leaves are spotted. A few of the leaves have yellow spots all over them.

Other than these terrible creatures gnawing on my money trees, I think they are doing wonderfully. Many of the leaves are far larger than my hand (I have pretty big hands) on one of the plants, the other is from a different strain, it has small slightly rounded leaves. Both are about 4 feet tall.

I really need some advice on how to help them, as I do not want them to die. Please, and thanks ahead of time!


Noah 420

Active Member
Small update:

I picked off the leaves that appeared to have worms in them, as long with some slightly brown leaves from the bottom. I have done this before, but they keep coming back.

Also noticed a spider on one of the plants, should I remove it? My brother said spiders eat insects that might hurt it, but I want to double check.

I have heard garlic water sprayed on the plant will get rid of the mites? Any input on this?

I know I have a lot of questions, but any help would be greatly appreciated!



Well-Known Member
Get a insect spray that is used for fruits and vegetables.I prefer Fox Farm brand myself. Don't let the insects get ahead of you they can infes tand kill a outside plant quickly!


Active Member
you have army worms my friend,try not to use the insecticide on any of your consumables,(if they are flowering) and spiders wont hurt anything but the bugs that have come to eat your plants!
I have the same problem but i don't have worms on my plants. I recently moved them to an indoor barn to hopefully keep it away from bugs. I got a few spiders, these white powdery bug/moth?, and sometime the lil inch worm.Today I discovered my leaves getting cut straight down the end of the branch so, i'm losing my leaves (mostly bottom leaves)everday. I had sprayed with dish soap and water with a mister for a lil while when it was out side it kinda helped,not really. My plant is about 3'5 ft tall sitting under 2 aquarium and plant 40watts, sometimes i have a construction light thing that has like a 2500watt bulb in it and point it under the plant so the leaves can get some light. does that help? or make it worse?