

Active Member
:leaf:Hey had a question on insecticides use.

I have a 200sq ft grow room and have noticed some tiny (1/4 size of a grain of rice) white worm pest. Probably about 6-10 on each plant. When I go to kill them they sometimes jump off or to the next leaf. I went ahead and bombed my room with Attain Tr micro total release insecticide 2oz.

My plants were cloned about 6 weeks ago and have shown strong growth, with the exception of some holes and yellowing due to the pest's. I used the entire can of Attain in my room, wondering if this would be a problem with my plants at the stage they are in. Thanks in advance. :leaf:
Theres no set rule to determine how your plants will react. You will have to keep an eye on them and see what happens. Theres a lot of variables...airflow, exhaust, the strain, saturation time, etc.

Just keep an eye on them, and give them lots of fresh air.

Theres no set rule to determine how your plants will react. You will have to keep an eye on them and see what happens. Theres a lot of variables...airflow, exhaust, the strain, saturation time, etc.

Just keep an eye on them, and give them lots of fresh air.


yeah it's all right u said
but did that guy ;) said 1 CAN of rooting hormonzzzz
4 80 clonez i used only 3 ml. ond some got left :D
the clonez r doin good 4 now still 6 day u know :D
wish happy new year 2 all and very potent cropz :P
yeah it's all right u said
but did that guy ;) said 1 CAN of rooting hormonzzzz
4 80 clonez i used only 3 ml. ond some got left :D
the clonez r doin good 4 now still 6 day u know :D
wish happy new year 2 all and very potent cropz :P

:lol: If you read his post he said he used the entire can of ATTAIN ;)....the insecticide. The problem has nothing to do with rooting hormone..

Bombed the entire room with attain, went back in 12hr later and could not find any living thing crawling on my plants! The plants looked healty as well. Just checked out my plants 3 days after bombing and they are still growing strong and look healthier than ever... My experience with attain was fine, had no problems whatsoever. thanks for the replies!
Bombed the entire room with attain, went back in 12hr later and could not find any living thing crawling on my plants! The plants looked healty as well. Just checked out my plants 3 days after bombing and they are still growing strong and look healthier than ever... My experience with attain was fine, had no problems whatsoever. thanks for the replies!

Good to hear. Good luck with the rest of the grow.
