inside and outside help


Active Member
hi im new to the boards here and i have a couple questions

i planted 3 seeds in a soda can filled with garden topsoil/mulch and have been watering it and giving it light immitating the sun for a day now

my main questions are

1)i dont have any facy grow rooms or anything because i need this hidden from my parental figure how do i get this to grow easily,unditecably(mostly), and so when its dont its a half good plant

2)how do i plant outside? like where do i plant the seeds how much sunlight water ect.

thanks in advance guys

woot forst post

sourdiesel 01

Active Member
hey whats up? im no pro but id keep it in the can for about two weeks so you get a good rootball growing. than trasplant into a bigger pot. be gentle with the roots they are very fragile and easily damage. give it enough water but not too much after transplanting. about your location, id put it somewhere where you can keep an eye on it but you dont want it easily found or where any animals can eat it like deer,raccoons or woodchucks them lil bastards ate my shit last year! wherever thers other plants that they can blend in with dont put too many in one spot theyre easy to spot like that. oh yeah buy a book jorge cervantes sells his on and has books theyre pretty cheap so check them out. hope i was able to help somewhat have fun peace!


Well-Known Member
ok kiddo listen put some seed 1/4 to 1/2 inch in tha ground, water and fuckin wait, give it water only when it droops of thirst and leave it the fuck alone... i dont wanna kno how old u r either i got enough on my concience i dont need your spankin there too


Well-Known Member
i no sum girls that love to be spankd but not by ther mums, wel not that i no uv


Well-Known Member
yes if your gonna plant without parental knowledge, plant em outdoors! never indoors without them knowing


Active Member
i know my parents will be done in if the police know but we live literally in the middle of nowhere my closest neighbor is a mile away the only time a cop has shown up at my house is when my brother was arrested and brought back home liek 5 years ago

plus im just trying to get a nice healthy plant growing once its about 6 inches tall im going to plant it outside

thanks for your help sourdiesel and jacgrass