Insight: Amare Tech Solar Spec LED Panels


Well-Known Member
Getting ready to flip, but no signs of sex, I flipped the switch incorporating the reds as well

I was avoiding this since under the less intense BML this strain stretches like crazy

I was expecting more red hue, but minimal compared to what I was expecting


Well-Known Member
I guess I'll do this. I'll try to be fair and balanced:

Pet stopped posting around Nov. 1. He claimed he was threatened with grassing out. It culminated in this post (<<link). Anyone interested can read the posts previous to see what led up to it, Pet's demeanor, etc. Read forward for more background (context) from longer-term members.

The topic died down, people seemed to hope it was just a "pet" thing. However, a couple weeks later another flame war erupted between Jeff (@Eraserhead) and yet someone else wherein pet's claim was repeated as a matter of fact. In response I posted my own first-hand experience with pet here. (<<link). The flame posts appear to have been deleted.

It's all unfortunate. I think everyone has hoped it would be forgotten. But, with multiple queries like in this thread (and pet's apparent willingness to spread his tale in PMs), I thought I should post this summary of what is publicly known.

EDIT: Pet seems to be updating an Amare thread he started on ICMAG. (<<link)
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Well-Known Member
Pet isn't going to be coming here anymore because of the whole email ratting out thing...simple as that. He was a hype man for sure, but we all knew he got the lights for free(he was open about that) and that is part of the deal. He went overboard with it but whatever...just a lonely grower like many of us.

I didn't want to post his PM...but I think it doesn't matter at this point and might give people who didn't get one an idea of what he was thinking when he left...
I know you've been curious

Final dry trimmed weight is 121gms (pics in my IC thread)

Uncertain about posting anymore on RIU

I got this disturbing email from [email protected]

1st and last warning, you need to stop posting on ALL forums. If you fail to comply, the police will be at your house within 30 minutes of your next post. You've been a menace, and we've had enough.

** His 10/30 email also included a date stamped (10/26) picture of my house

It came in within minutes of my last post in How much light do I need thread

I contacted RIU twice, but no response. He may be diverting my emails
And he said 121g dried off the what ever light this is he is testing


Well-Known Member
I got one of those vague accusatory PMs a couple days ago and I think it's ridiculous. Why would EH risk his reputation over a stupid forum argument. Pet made it sound like RIU threatened him and EH got them to do it. He also sent me a link to the Amare web site,which I thought was strange.


Well-Known Member
Holy.Fucking. Balls.

Yeah, someone emailing me and threatening me with criminal evidence, with a photograph of my house would keep me away from the forums. But why not just create a different account under a different alias?

And how the fuq would someone get a photograph of his house? Unless the accuser is a professional computer hacker or an undercover spy, then how the fuq would someone KNOW his location without adequate information? This only leaves people he's either a.)Dealt business with or/and b.) had real world relations with.

Either way, he pissed off the wrong scumbag and has to unfortunately deal with the circumstances.


I feel your emotions. I suppose I'm a little 'ronery' myself...

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Well-Known Member
I got one of those vague accusatory PMs a couple days ago and I think it's ridiculous. Why would EH risk his reputation over a stupid forum argument. Pet made it sound like RIU threatened him and EH got them to do it. He also sent me a link to the Amare web site,which I thought was strange.
Pet's story doesn't make sense to me.

1. His PM to me said he'd been threatened with grassing unless he "stop[ped] posting on ALL forums."

If the threat were as credible as pet wanted us to believe, leading him to stop posting on RIU, you'd stop posting anywhere (as the alleged threat demanded). He continues to post to other forums. Therefore, it sounds to me like this was his stage for the story, and not posting here is obligatory to the story on this stage.

2. He PMed total strangers such as myself.

As above, if you receive a threat as serious as the one alleged, and you stop posting because you supposedly take it that seriously, you certainly wouldn't PM total strangers.

3. His PM to me said he forwarded the threatening PM to potroast, and "He only responded to my RIU PM 2 days ago, saying he is the only potroast, and he knew nothing of it."

That was Nov. 8. GG (above) said pet told him he received no response. Unless GG received that PM prior to Nov. 6 it doesn't add up (potroast is an RIU staff.).

4. The threat was sent from an email address purporting to be an RIU staff.

If someone were going to threaten grassing out, they'd simply keep it anonymous. Invoking the name of an RIU staff appears to be an attempt to draw RIU staff into the story. An anonymous threatener has no motive to do so. Someone manufacturing the story (as a victim) does.

It all points to Pet making up the story to take EH out with him. RIU was the stage. Staff were casted. Bystanders (like myself, who had a relatively short time on RIU) were given casting calls. If you don't like the episode, simply change channels (go to ICMAG) where he acts like nothing happened. Again, entirely inconsistent with the threat he claims he received.

I agree with GG. It's too bad this happened. Just a lonely guy finding a community here. That was kind of clear in his complaints that he didn't receive free junk with the attention he deserved. But, if his online persona was so vital to him that he was willing to take EH out with a fabricated story, that dependence wasn't healthy. Hopefully it was a wakeup call for him.
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Where am I

Well-Known Member
Did this grow finish out? Wondering how harvest/results were.
Here is a pic of a grow using the Solar Spec. This is only one plant a personal strain called Numb Feet. It was grown under a SS-260. It yielded 327.1 grams (11.68 oz). The tent consisted of two strains Numb Feet and Headband. Three plants total. It is in a 5 x 5 tent using Three 100 x 3 watt custom spectrum white led lights and one AMARE Solar Spec 260.

GR 14 NF 1-2.JPG GR 14 NF 1-3.JPG
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FYI: Milliard tents (Amazon) come with 4 hanging poles and FREE SHIPPING

2 poles hang below the shorter two for added strength

Panels should be attached to the 2 upper poles
I have a milliard and am very happy with it as my first ever tent very sturdy


Well-Known Member
Careful about those Milliard tents, Eugene! My yellow trimmed 50x50x79 leaks light out every vertical corner seam. I used silver Mylar tape on the inside, full length on my 60x60x80 HarvestPlanet, and it stopped the (light) leak.
I wouldn't use a Milliard for light dep., even the zippers leak light.

Where am I

Well-Known Member
Careful about those Milliard tents, Eugene! My yellow trimmed 50x50x79 leaks light out every vertical corner seam. I used silver Mylar tape on the inside, full length on my 60x60x80 HarvestPlanet, and it stopped the (light) leak.
I wouldn't use a Milliard for light dep., even the zippers leak light.
I use Secret Jardin and a Gorilla grow tent both are very good tents. I have a smaller cheapo tent which does the job put has light leaks. It works fine for seedlings and clones.