Insomniacs Unite!!!!


Well-Known Member
Haha dude, watch adult swim around this time at night. Weird shit is on. But if you get used to it, this stuff is hilarious. Apollo 18 huh? So avoid that movie ha.


Active Member
man I literally have insomniac I have only slept 9 hours in the past 5 days I dont know wtf is goin down. I keep staying awake all night to try and get back on schedule then pass out at around noon for an hour or so and be up for another 24. FML Stayed at my girls the other night thinking shed help did my thing then laid there while she slept 6 hours. staring at a dark ceiling meh


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the club THZZELJR (I'm gonna call you jr, since your username is way too bizzare ha). We really don't sleep lol. But it's not a bad thing.. Us insomniacs are much MUCH more productive than bob and sue next door that go to sleep at 7pm sharp every night. Be proud my insomniac friend.


Well-Known Member
[FONT=Tahoma, Calibri, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif]First I would like to ask where all my insomniacs ran off to.... Take me with you.

Second, who else is tired of the stereotypical hippie bullshit logic when they say that the government is evil? It's all the damn conservatives fault. Do they not understand that "we the people" are the government?

Take a look at this.... it pretty much explains what I'm getting at.

Also, I understand that not everyone on RIU lives in America. So if you don't live in America just ignore this posts since its pointless (or should at least be pointless). [/FONT]


Well-Known Member
rich people should be giving more more money from their taxes to help out the giving is bad ha ha right. and the military is being misused, cut funding for the wild fires," Wildfires have consumed 3.6 million acres in my home state of Texas since December 2010. That’s about the size of the entire state of Connecticut. At least 700 homes have been destroyed, and four people have been killed." thats just one state. cali got really bad from what i saw. should our military be used to build this country and not fight pointless wars?


Well-Known Member
nope lol, i was sick, then better, now sick again. ive been otu drinking all night but in reality, i am very sick. i am going to smoke in a few, in the house. i hop emy bf doen't wake up and get angry with me but it's cold outside and i am sick, i need to smoke inside. this cold sux. tomorrow hopefully i ama better, i have a lot to do.

what r u up to?


Well-Known Member
nope lol, i was sick, then better, now sick again. ive been otu drinking all night but in reality, i am very sick. i am going to smoke in a few, in the house. i hop emy bf doen't wake up and get angry with me but it's cold outside and i am sick, i need to smoke inside. this cold sux. tomorrow hopefully i ama better, i have a lot to do.

what r u up to?
Aww that sucks... Make sure to drink plenty of water to avoid a pain in the ass hangover lol. Just smoke in the garage or something... Unless you don't have one, then you're screwed. I personally love smoking in the cold.. It's soo soothing on the throat.

Im watching fear and loathing and being paranoid about college tomorrow.... My professor is most likely gonna make me do a class introduction since its the first day of the new semester.. Bunch of bullshit IMO.. I'm just gonna say my name is hepheastus and I think class introductions are pointless.. Yes yes