Insomniacs Unite!!!!

i always say sleepe is overrated becuse when you're awake, it is! when you'er sleeping thouhg, sleep feels prety fucken good. i had a good nap earlier... i do think sleep is kinda overrated though because inr eality, you're just laying there. ive had some pretty sweet dreams too but if i am awake, i can be productive. unfortunatel, i am usually not productive.

bottomline: sleep when u need to, oterhwise it's a waste of time
Ha. Nice. But then if people say its better than sleeping pills, why are they still not sleeping? Sleeping pills put you to sleep without you needing to go to bed.
Fair enough. I would smoke to help me sleep any day rather than take pills. I'm just sorting it all out. If it helps people to sleep, insomnia is something that should be relieved. Whats the best way to ensure marijuana does in fact bring a peaceful sleep as intended? Ive used it for sleep before. Works wonders. Granddaddy Purple made my eyes heavy in about 15 minutes. Woke up clear too.
hola friends, been a rough month, sleep and peace waved bye bye on valentines day and no rest yet. i hope everyone is doing well.
Ok it's 5:30 am and I have a client to see tomorrow...

Time to knock myself out... :joint: