Insomniacs Unite!!!!

^^^ jeez that post sounded creepy lol. Sorry I was just joking around, no need to fear me.

Man, it's a quiet night tonight....
I slept from 12:30am to 1:30, then from 3:30 till 5am...a big 2 1/2 divided up hours!...I never realized how much power I use a night! First I shut the TV off and I could here a fan, shut that off and started hunting for a humming noise...shut down an old desk top comp. that sounded like a vacuum cleaner....still heard a humming...found a ceiling fan on up-stairs, shut it off and still heard that shit!....I finally found an air pump laying aginst the wall...fuckin thing!...drove me nuts, and now it's been raining, so the fucking sub-pump keeps kicking on....I thought it was ganna be quite out here in the country...I slept better with firetrucks and police cars wizzin by every 20 minutes in Detroit!....and now my kid is in there banging on his closet door!...sounds like the popo coming thru the wall!...that kid scares me right out of my sleep sometimes( when I sleep) you ever get slapped in the face while sleeping? I've woke up about to swing back a couple I think I told you guys about my handycap son?)...I'll be back in a few.
Damn rowlman that sucks. Sorry man, I've been getting some sleep lately. It's pretty strange, but I do feel refreshed. Any moment I will go back to my old ways of no sleep.

Lol crabs? Haha I don't have crabs.... Nope it was just an itchy ball sack, it went away fast lol. No more talk of sacks ha.

My parakeet doesn't shut the fuck up lol. Nah but he's cool.