Insomniac I am tonight. Blazin and bored as fuck. Not cool
No, that's paying the price of procrastination.up writing an essay that is due at 9:30. I feel the urge to smoke and to stay awake until I get home from class tomorrow. If I go to bed now, I will not finish my essay nor will I be able to wake up for my class. So I guess Im choosing to be an insomniac tonight
If,it,make,you,feel,any,better...I,also,have,NO,food,....except,the,turkey.My,food,store,is,15,miles,away.I'm,not,even,sure,I,have,the,gas,to,make,it,there!!lofl, i wish i had some food in the house. i am too lazy to go somewhere. i will just have to be hungry.
God "Ordained" us over the animalsi feel bad for all the turkeys. sometimes i wonder why people think we can tell another animal that it's their time to die.
Because we are predators, ok so some of us developed a certain empathy with the prey, we're still predators at heart.i feel bad for all the turkeys. sometimes i wonder why people think we can tell another animal that it's their time to die.