Insomniacs Unite!!!!

This is going to sound horrible, but find a case of a "normie" with a tearjerking story. Most medicinal use laws are named after tragic figures for a reason. Godesses forgive me for sounding like such a cold bitch. Oh, media involvement and the backing of anon $ helps too, for a good PR campaign and/or lobbying. Like certain billionaires/millionares whose names I'll not mention kind of backing.

Sorry missed the Texas part. Erm, you'll have to wait till national legalization happens most likely. Sorry! :-( But still try! Everyone who is able to should put their cojones (or for us females our imaginary ones) on the line and advocate when possible. Discussion can normalize and destimatize subjects with levelheaded persistence. Keep the screaming sessions private, it will happen.
so im driving to the store tonight and see soem dude walking down the sidewalk carrying a pizza box...nothin outa the ordinary but i see some shimmer comin from his dome , as i get closer the motherfucker is wearing a helmet haha....he looked all bewildered and shit....i think someone stole his lil E bike LMAO
So I come up with a sob story? And who do I tell this story to?

Not come up with. Look into people who are not in anyway recreational smokers/users at all who would or could have benefitted tremendously, both to themselves and society, if cannabis use were decriminalized and/or compassionate medical use allowed. As an example I was molested from the time I was just about 3 months away from my sixth birthday until just before my 12th, nearly 6 years I think. It was nearly everyday by a trusted family friend and next door neigbor who looked after me so my grandmother could run errands. (Side note to parents, be more afraid of the person YOU trust than the creepy homeless person in front of the store who smells of booze and B.O.) You can look up my other posts for more info but long story short I was left with a form of PTSD that's basically brain damage, mine never got the chance to form properly in the limbic system. That's why I can't tolerate certain smells, have excellent memory for things academic and little for ones with an emotional component and have trouble with emotional control/modulation at times. Cannabis helps regulate my mood/emtions with it's euphoric effect, the right strains grown properly are excellent anti-anxiety and/or sleep aid medicines, it doesn't HURT any organ system in your body when used in a vaporizer or eaten/tinctured, etc unlike the pills I'd otherwise take far more of. Plus if I hadn't started smoking illegally at 18 I'd probably have commited suicide before age 20. That's not me exaggerating, that was a statistic from my cognitive behavioral therapist who also happened to be a substance abuse specialist. I went to her for the cbt part but she tried to work on me before I turned the tables a bit and explained the role of endocannibinoids in protecting the body and especially nervous system from damage caused by long-term stess. My biomom who also has PTSD from similar causes is on I believe her 4th or 5th autoimmune diagnosis (not ruled out, at once!) If I weren't allowed my medicine there's a much higher chance from what I've studied that I'd wind up with MS. How's that for a real sob story? No lying needed. Now find a cancer patient or brilliant tortured person with anorexia who is sick whose cop dad will speak out. Wall 'o text crits you for 13k!
Hey, I'm sorry you had to go through that bullshit. There's not much I can say besides I hope your mind is truly set at ease someday (not death just lively peace).

Alright then, thanks for the help.... Now I just gotta find this certain person that can help me on my quest.. Maybe a mental hospital? I would assume somebody there would be able to help me, plus it would be benificial to them too.
Hrm, that I honestly have no clue sorry. Be well finally ready for bed. And now that I'm medical I do pretty well. Just some acute insomnia episodes that don't last too long, thankfully. Thanks for the kind words, I work to try and get better too. Most days.
I think on weekends, we should be able to access this thread all day....

I would have given the dude a ride down the road for a slice of pizza lol.
i was up all night but i couldn't get to the computer bc my dog was laying on me. lol. national lampoon was on hbo at like 3 which is always fun
why, r u going to become one? we might as well be, we could work the night shift lol.

do they drug test? i have some nurse friends, i should ask.

i think salary depends where you work but i've heard some make really shitty money, others make great money.

i have never been drug tested in my life. isn't that crazy?
Lol, I know, I'll actually do something productive during the fiend hours of the night.

Please ask.

Damn.. The salary seems to much of a chance game. I haven't even seen a average salary either..

Im right there with you on the drug testing.. But then of course I haven't been in this world for very long.
my ex is a Rn, she smokes mad weed......they dont get tested

RN's don't need to get tested, they act like Doctors, but they haven't been to any kind of school...
They just put in some time wipeing old peoples asses, and it makes them feel like they know about stuff...
Dude, RN's go to school for like four years lol. They don't wipe people's asses, that's for medical ASSistants, LPNs, and LVNs.

So you're wrong about all that... But cool that they don't get drug tested :).