Inspired Art from the Heart


I'm young, drawing and painting is my passion, just want to share some pieces with yous guys

Its a work in progress and due to the unpredictable weather in chicago I've dragged to finish it
But here it is hope you like it and any feed back is appreciated
I also have more to come if anyone is interested



Well-Known Member
I like your style. The only thing I would say about it (and this could be due to smoking) it took me a minute to realize that there wasn't a flower around his head.


Active Member
Really cool man!... Love the shading... just think the flower round the head could be touched up... or even turn them into flames or something :)


looks wicked dude, i fuckin wish i could draw and paint, i'll stick to music tho,

i'm an artist of audio :) haha

keep it up dude, may the creativity flow freely through your fingertips forever :)



Thanks everyone :) all this just motivated me to work on it more, now that the weathers getting nice,
The creater is actually the feathered serpent god Quetzalcoatl of the ancient aztecs, the
Flower looking thing is actually fanned out feathers mimicking a flower, I will finish up and postt up more photos :) thank you all for the good comments, keep em coming lol