Instead of Co2???/


Hello i have a question it may sound dumb but i am hoping to get an answer that tells me the benefit of doing this or is it w waste and invest in co2...what im trying to do is i have a total grow space of 20'x42'......8'x20' is my veg room and and then its got a doorway to the flower room which is the remainder grow area. Now inside the vegroom there is a vent going to the outside i have capped right now and i want to open it up and let outside air question is my whole room is exhausted up into and out the chimney so if i opened up the vent there would be a sucking pressure correct? Which would cause the fresh air to to come in the vent and circulate my rooms right? And if so would that be just as good or near good to Co2 generator????? Now i currently dont have co2 and i pull 10-12 ounces per plant so i still have a good method i just wanted to add more too it and never really dabbled with co2 so only people who know what they are talking about need reply to this post thanks mucho!


Well-Known Member
It won't be as good as concentrated co2, but it is a free option that will help. I would put a good filter on it to prevent pests from entering. Also it will alter the environment in the room. Temp, th, etc...


Well-Known Member
my room is simiilar only i have tents in the room instead of a door. outside air is great but as stated..filter the unwanted stuff out.and as long as it circulates the room it will do fine for co2


Excellent i was planning on running like a s shaped pvc 3" or more with a inline filter set up! That way no light leeks and as long as there is a suction i should get the air flowing throw the s shaped thing pretty easy


Well-Known Member
I don't think your gain will be anything in particular as far as co2 is concerned. the air would refresh to normal levels when you enter and exit the room beyond that fresh air is unnecessary for proper plant development. When co2 is added artificially, it is pumped up to many times normal levels and even then some would argue it is a waste of effort unless temps are above normal and all other factors are at near optimal levels. It is when everything is just right that explosive groth will take place. Simply refreshing air with normal fresh air would imho offer no noticeable benefits but it won't hurt a thing of course so if it makes you feel good, then go for it and if you see above normal results you can pm me and tell me I don't know DICK about growing and I will say "hey, I guess you're right " but I will actually be thinking "what a dip" but I won't actually say that cuzz that would be mean.


lol thats the answer im looking there really is no necessity since i already get good results and it stays mid 70s 365days a year down here so i don't need fresh air....and maybe if i feel like splurgin later or expiermenting i will add the real deals, and just put a co2 generator down here. thanks!!


Active Member
10 ounces a plant, nice are you in soil? what wattage light and how many plants per light. i appreciate the advice.


Well-Known Member
With higher Co2 it is better to be at a higher temp. Not to hot but low 80's works good. Humidity won't be bad. And you can set your fan to turn on when it gets to hot or humid.


Well-Known Member
Temps 28-32 Celsius
Humidity 45-55
Lots of Air Circulation!
Higher Nutrient EC

That's optimal for CO2...

If any is off... then the stoma closes.. and then its all pointless.... Transpiration is very important when it comes to CO2 enrichment...
also its good to extract all the CO2 at night.. cause the plants breathe it in dark time, so if the ppm becomes to high the stoma closes
again and growing slows down to a stop.


i run six plants under 2k watts veg and 3 watts flower, 25 gallon pots in soil, and usually let them veg 2 months but have gone as long as 6 months lol here are six at 5 month vegIMG_0959.jpg


Well-Known Member
I can't see the trees for the forest Ha Ha
Nice grow, you're doing fine without co2 but before I invest in fancy generators what I plan to do is have a small flame, like the size of a pilot light operate 24/7 and check the PPM"S and se what happens. too much, turn it down. Too little, turn it up. Should be able to regulate it sort of close to optimum of 1500. But that's just mee. The best weed is cheap weed.(that is dank)