Intelligent Design


Well-Known Member

A very cool idea that not only increases the available energy at any one time for the chemical reactions to take place (vs. the shallow sunlit lagoon of past hypothesis) it increases the amount of time the energy is available. The geothermal energy can be available around the clock, even when night falls.

Still not conclusive, but makes much more sense than light being created before objects which emit light.


New Member
I personally believe that we were created by extra-terrestrials.

Thousands of years ago they did something with their DNA and some primates at the time so that we would evolve different than the average primates (gorillas, monkeys, etc.) If you think about it over time were looking less and less like monkeys and more and more like the larger alien grays.

Ive done research on this and through my research saw some people who claimed this was true. Even experts, scientists, etc. The most interesting was people who claimed they had contact with aliens over a long period of time and were actually shown when it happened.


Well-Known Member
I personally believe that we were created by extra-terrestrials.

Thousands of years ago they did something with their DNA and some primates at the time so that we would evolve different than the average primates (gorillas, monkeys, etc.) If you think about it over time were looking less and less like monkeys and more and more like the larger alien grays.
That's likely, my family and I have always roughly followed that thesis, but I personally have never thought of extra-terrestrial life as a classic Gray. Always thought they seemed simply human and probably drawn out years ago by a not so imaginative artist. I have a different idea on appearance based on a dream....

Symians where the first to show decent problem solving skills, fast adaptibility and suitable body shapes. Many others do, probably be the Cephalopods turn next.

Current science claims we evolved from (more violent) Chimpanzee like ancestors, whereas I would have been happier having roots in the inquisitive Orangutan tree :D

Chaos Theory: Random events will occur!
Carbon released through tectonics, 'stardust' (apparently) etc coupled with an unlikely happening = Life, ofcourse it will change over time.


Well-Known Member
Mathematical improbability of us being the only intelligent life I should imagine life would be outside our galaxy. if scientist know the big bang happened and an ever expanding universe is the result then using us earth as a point of origin would be able to look the same distance from start of universe to other points along the same distance scientist would increase the chance of finding life hey why do you think the US government has stopped looking and now leaves it to CETI???


Well-Known Member
I agree with the ancient astronaut theory. Read "Chariots of the Gods" by Erich Von Daniken, I promise, you will not be upset. Also you might be able to catch it on the History Channel every now and then ...


Well-Known Member
my favourite thing here is that intelligent was spelt wrong in the title. not complaining, i just like the irony. :bigjoint:

to answer the question, i cannot even begin to imagine why or how we're all here. i'd tend to give more credence to the scientific explanations (big bang, evolution etc) than the religious ones, but valuing scientific inquiry shouldn't come at the cost of indulging in a bit of general spirituality.

i personally think of this as a question which nobody will ever be able to answer definitively
while we all are entitled to our opinions, i think that anyone who says "this is how it happened, i'm right, you're wrong, there's no two ways about it" is either ignorant, crazy, an asshole, or all three.

my other theory on the subject is


it's still in development as a theory.


Intelligent design... there's nothing intelligent about it.


Well-Known Member
If a god had anything to do with it, it could never be called intelligent design. BDF might be better suited (Badly Designed with many Flaws)


New Member
That's likely, my family and I have always roughly followed that thesis, but I personally have never thought of extra-terrestrial life as a classic Gray. Always thought they seemed simply human and probably drawn out years ago by a not so imaginative artist. I have a different idea on appearance based on a dream....

Symians where the first to show decent problem solving skills, fast adaptibility and suitable body shapes. Many others do, probably be the Cephalopods turn next.

Current science claims we evolved from (more violent) Chimpanzee like ancestors, whereas I would have been happier having roots in the inquisitive Orangutan tree :D

Chaos Theory: Random events will occur!
Carbon released through tectonics, 'stardust' (apparently) etc coupled with an unlikely happening = Life, ofcourse it will change over time.
Well yea theres a few different versions of that, but all are basically that we were either created by extra-terrestrials or that we are extra-terrestrials. There's also the theory that each race is actually from a different planet and we are their representation on this planet. I'm not so sure about that one because then how can we all have kids together? I suppose if they're that advanced they could have easily worked around that though.

Just looking at it logically though we are very different from every other species on the planet. We don't really look like any of them and we are much more intelligent. Our ways of living are very different. I'm not sure that a species like that would naturally evolve into that on the same planet as all the other species that aren't like that.


New Member
The question is not necessarily one of design but rather, can reality be only the perceptions resulting from neurochemical reactions in our brains?

We believe these perceptions are affected through entanglements to real cosmosmotic phenomena.


Can the electric field really convey the inconceivable nature of nature across the cosmos?

If so, then perhaps rather than design, all we really have are the attractive and entangled effects of entities beyond our experience.




Well yea theres a few different versions of that, but all are basically that we were either created by extra-terrestrials or that we are extra-terrestrials. There's also the theory that each race is actually from a different planet and we are their representation on this planet. I'm not so sure about that one because then how can we all have kids together? I suppose if they're that advanced they could have easily worked around that though.

Just looking at it logically though we are very different from every other species on the planet. We don't really look like any of them and we are much more intelligent. Our ways of living are very different. I'm not sure that a species like that would naturally evolve into that on the same planet as all the other species that aren't like that.

The problem with using this kind of logic is, where does it end? Since you can start essentially anywhere, you can end essentially anywhere.

You need evidence to support a hypothesis.

It's the same reason people attribute unknown bumps in the night to ghosts.

How do I know the reason for different color eyes isn't minute differences in temperature detection in humans? How do I know water didn't come from inside the Earth? How do I know there are not alien bases on the back of the moon?

You can't just come up with something, then just figure that's how it happened... The evidence should always come first, then logical conclusions follow.


New Member
How many New Age New World Books Of The Eli are there?

You can't just come up with something, then just figure that's how it happened... The evidence should always come first, then logical conclusions follow.


Thoughts became things.



Well-Known Member
Well yea theres a few different versions of that, but all are basically that we were either created by extra-terrestrials or that we are extra-terrestrials. There's also the theory that each race is actually from a different planet and we are their representation on this planet. I'm not so sure about that one because then how can we all have kids together? I suppose if they're that advanced they could have easily worked around that though.
These certainly aren't scientific theories. Whose 'theories' are they?

At what point exactly do these 'theories' imply that the extra-terrestrial man appeared?

Just looking at it logically though we are very different from every other species on the planet. We don't really look like any of them and we are much more intelligent. Our ways of living are very different. I'm not sure that a species like that would naturally evolve into that on the same planet as all the other species that aren't like that.
Our skeletal structure, which has much in common with all other mammals.
Our eyes, which are functionally and physiologically similar to many species.
Our physical resemblance to hominids and primates and the fossils which show the transition from ancestral ape to modern man.
You can follow the settlement patterns of human civilization back to before they could even be considered human.

Even if you eliminate the phenotype, the genotype is so similar between us and other species you can trace it back to non-human ancestors which were infected with retroviruses which permanently modified the DNA strand. Each modification in the ancestral tree can be used to identify which lineage continued toward us and which diverged.

So what if our way of living is different from other animals? Dolphins and termites have substantially different ways of life as well.


Well-Known Member
thats funny i spelled it wrong...good answers. yeah i watched expelled with ben stien and the hard core science guys couldnt really explain how the first 1 cell organism started and one theory was from space-ie alien life then evolution but then how did alien life start?? you cant make life from no life even in a lab i guess they cant. thought its interesting


thats funny i spelled it wrong...good answers. yeah i watched expelled with ben stien and the hard core science guys couldnt really explain how the first 1 cell organism started and one theory was from space-ie alien life then evolution but then how did alien life start?? you cant make life from no life even in a lab i guess they cant. thought its interesting
Ugh, dude, Ben Stein is a fuckin' con artist. He's no different than Ray Comfort. :dunce: Don't trust those guys!

Here's Dawkins reaction to exactly what you're referring to;


Skip into about the 3:45 mark for the man to explain it all himself.

You have an infinite regression if you believe in God or not because there is always going to be the question of "what created God?". God can't create himself, it's a logical paradox, and not even God is above the rules of logic (he seemingly created...again, himself, which is another one of those same logical paradoxes...).


Well-Known Member
i dont put much stock in any of these guys ben stein is a yawn so is this guy...i watched the video and its a pretty poor rebutal i get that he doesnt like ben stein and that he doesnt belive in ID or religon but as in the original video he cant answer how life was first created. as far as i know they cant form a 1 cell organisim in a sterile enviornment so the lightning explanation doesnt make sence. im not saying god a guy and a woman here who made us all i just think its intresting monkeys are not stealing cell phones and cars by now and that scientists dont really know how to create life even though they can clone sheep weird..............i did see documentary of monkets in wild making weapons to hunt they said thats


Well-Known Member
Single celled organisms may only be a single cell, but that does not mean they aren't complex.

Molecules must bond to form amino acids, amino acids form proteins, and so on. Even in a bath of chemicals of the right amounts under proper conditions it likely took many, many years before the right combination of molecules because the first amino acid.

Yet we've only known about the building blocks of DNA for the last half century, and the greatest progress in genetics has been in the last decade.

Why would monkeys and chimps be stealing cars and cell phones? Their neural plasticity is lesser than ours. They adapt intellectually, but at nowhere near the speed of human adaptation. There are physiological reasons for this in the structure of the brain, diet, and the efficiency of the organism to provide the brain with energy.

i dont put much stock in any of these guys ben stein is a yawn so is this guy...i watched the video and its a pretty poor rebutal i get that he doesnt like ben stein and that he doesnt belive in ID or religon but as in the original video he cant answer how life was first created. as far as i know they cant form a 1 cell organisim in a sterile enviornment so the lightning explanation doesnt make sence. im not saying god a guy and a woman here who made us all i just think its intresting monkeys are not stealing cell phones and cars by now and that scientists dont really know how to create life even though they can clone sheep weird..............i did see documentary of monkets in wild making weapons to hunt they said thats