Interesting Documentaries?


Well-Known Member
So ive been watching alot of movies that are about all types of things corrupt. I enjoy finding out about things that companies and governments try to keep quiet. Anyone know any others?

So far ive watched

Yes men fix the world
Walmart: high cost of low price
the last moore film about the economy.

O no pot movies cause ive seen pretty much all of them.
o cool i love hunter. I have seen the 2 fiction ones but this should be cool. thanks

havent seen green rush and ill watch it as long as its pro marijuana.
The Wild And Wonderful Whites Of Boone County West Virginia
a doc about Jessup White and his kin folk
ive never heard of him before.

thats the shit i love. I like learning about new things and expanding my mental library.

Stole this one the other day called "Ape Genius" from national geographic. Fuckers are smarter than a lot of people I know. This ain't from that show blew my mind nonetheless
"heavy metal in baghdad" some of the craziest shit i ever saw. there is literally ONE heavy metal band in all of iraq and it's their story. crazy crazy shit. they can be killed for playing this music. dudes are playing a gig and theres literally bombs and gunfire going on outside. their story is insane.
I'm not sure of the web equal but I have Dish Network and with the package of channels there is one called the Documentary channel. They have some pretty wild stuff on there. They had one about the cooks who prepare condemned men's last meal. One was about how young girls in India are born and raised in brothels. One was about the Chinese factory workers and how their employers control their lives. One was about Chinese 'Gold Farmers' for World of Warcraft - it is actually their job to go into the game, get gold so they can sell it to people willing to pay real life money for game money.
man that channel sounds sweet.

Lol those fucking chinese gold sellers annoy the shit out of me. i quit WoW about 2 yrs ago and they still send me daily emails.

That metal band in iraq sounds cool cause i enjoy heavy metal.