Interesting find for insect frass users

hahah ! first of all thx for your politeness! it has to be a pain in the ass reading me
Was talking about that DIY old fashioned wave born during interwar period (20th century).
Nowadays we find a ton eco/bio-webstores cheating our ego with phrases like why cant you do this... and at the same time they offer us nonsense and extremely unefficiently made goods or half completed processes [means oil+war+co2 footprint].
Dunno, being positive, i wanna think this certainly doesnt represent a big threat to the average grower.
Yeah it's part of the dumbing down of the population that's going on at the mo. And we're all affected.

Remember when Lego used to be just building blocks you could build anything you wanted with, your imagination was the only limit?
Nowadays, you mostly get these super customized final OBJECTS you just have to put together by following the instructions - and kids tend to not use those parts for anything else anymore.
Early childhood training: don't think, don't experiment, don't be creative and invent new ways, new things, new perspectives - do exactly as you're told and be happy with that, thinking that's what you wanted.

Another reason why growing cannabis flies in the face of the establishment - and YES the just-follow-the-instructions-brainlessly kits are out and being bought and used big time. Total dependency. It's the modern form of slavery.

Oops sorry we're waaay OT here lol
hahhah gotta recognize i considered buying some livestock to let the mutualistic xenorhabdus engage brand new fresh emocoel ^ Thats what happen after seeing the terrarium box posted by DBrennon lol
aaaaand.. you lost me again :mrgreen:
Some tips for using the translator: use short sentences and simple words that don't have many different meanings in your language?
Xenorhadbus bacteria associated to S. Feltiae nematode engaging different insects emocoel sounds nice in my thoughts. The mechanics that bacteria deploys to exploit the inmune system of their target is fking beautiful. The tricky part is finding out insects closely related to the same phylogenetic model
Xenorhadbus bacteria associated to S. Feltiae nematode engaging different insects emocoel sounds nice in my thoughts. The mechanics that bacteria deploys to exploit the inmune system of their target is fking beautiful. The tricky part is finding out insects closely related to the same phylogenetic model
Shit, son..
Xenorhadbus bacteria associated to S. Feltiae nematode engaging different insects emocoel sounds nice in my thoughts. The mechanics that bacteria deploys to exploit the inmune system of their target is fking beautiful. The tricky part is finding out insects closely related to the same phylogenetic model
Shit, son..
my thoughts too..
and I normally can hang with most, intellectually..
It doesnt matter at all because this things', paths, chemo driven routes.., like the ones presented in posts #14 & #15 just we speak! ^