Interesting Find

How in the hell can some one have the internet,be a member of a weed site and not know if what they were standing in front of was a weed plant is my question.

Leave it the hell alone.
Could be some body's shit......karma is a bitch.
If it is wild.....enjoy it,let it be wild and live it's life.Maybe go smoke a jay wit her once and a while,how many get to do that?
If it's not weed.....go smoke a jay out there and giggle at yourself.
well since i looked at his posts and see only 2. i would think he started this account to find out if it was weed. not like hes a life time member. if you dont have anything intelligent to say dont say anything.
when a thief takes my pot it's worse then when the helicopters find it and i have been ripped off by thieves before it's horrible.
the cops are bad but i do realize they are doing their job and it's my job to hide from them, but around here there is a group of high school kids past few years that just walk the woods looking for your shit, they go everywhere on anyone's property, and if you know what your doing pot is easy to find you just look for the sunlight spots in the woods. the same way you would if you was looking for a place to plant. Sorry if i came off rude but i hate a thief

happy growing.......tristynhawk
This is a Japanese Maple. I guess a lot of people on this thread haven't seen them because they are pretty commonly and easily mistaken for cannabis.

its called a japanese maple tree, before color change to red, they appear to be marijuana plants at early to late stages. ive been fooled once.
i have a bunch of jap maples in my yard they do look like a big plant in vedge from a distance but up close no comparrison if u know what a dam weed plant looks like
well since i looked at his posts and see only 2. i would think he started this account to find out if it was weed. not like hes a life time member. if you dont have anything intelligent to say dont say anything.


You would think huh.

Sorry "your" peelins got hurt.
yea i've seen them but would never mistake one for a pot plant........lmao

i know a pot plant when i see one and a tree when i see one
not even green, i was like 15 and thought i found a pot plant, then looked around, those fuckers were everywhere, if you find 1, you will find 1000 if you bother to check around.
I would never rip off someone else's plot...Maybe help myself to A BUD! but not the whole fuckin plot its rude.