interesting mutation?


hey guys, was reading a little while ago on a post about a guys plant who naturally split into 2 stalks without topping. does this occur quite often? and does it have any significance or is it just a harmless mutation? Just came home from a couple days away to find one of my blueberry kush plants having its own party.


Well-Known Member
Nice little plant mate...I love it when you walk in the grow room and there leaf's are all stood at ten to two's they are happy little bunny's..Good luck with the grow buddy....:weed:


Well-Known Member
Well it's happened to me more than once i'm sure.

One time it happened, it only grew one fan leaf on the second node and no new terminal bud, but then shot out lateral buds from the first node. It got over it's mutation and grew normal from there on as though I had cut the top off myself.

I have no idea why it happens... actually I just remembered I posted about the first time a mutation happened to me a few years ago in another account (which i've lost the password to and the email address is shut down)
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