Interesting News- What do you think about this guys interpretation?


Well-Known Member
interpretation of what..... 11 minutes was to much time to give not knowing WTF you or him talking about


Well-Known Member
interpretation of what..... 11 minutes was to much time to give not knowing WTF you or him talking about
No, it gets better. At the beginning of the video he tells you this is part 3 and to go check out parts 1 and 2 first.

I think that you should be able to think for yourself and not try to get other people to spend 30 minutes telling you if someone is full of shit or not :P


Well-Known Member
Not only does this guy make his own random conclusions, he doesn't even understand his own conclusions.

I love this part:

"Let's think of how many British colonies or extensions there are, umm... tens, if not hundreds, multiple hundreds"

Clear demonstration that the guy is not to be taken seriously.


Well-Known Member
so what do you think about it? You must have spent a lot of time reading and copying these so i will take it that you are a fan,-
I think you should reconsider your stance on Paul and join in supporting him


Well-Known Member
Eh...four minutes in, he's not far off the mark at all, IMHO. It's Iran's misfortune that they have all this oil under their ground. So control of their resource, as new superpowers appear on the horizon, makes a lot of sense. So naturally the west, the States in partick, try to fuck them up any way they can. Go for that 'regime change' thang...


Well-Known Member
Eh...four minutes in, he's not far off the mark at all, IMHO. It's Iran's misfortune that they have all this oil under their ground. So control of their resource, as new superpowers appear on the horizon, makes a lot of sense. So naturally the west, the States in partick, try to fuck them up any way they can. Go for that 'regime change' thang...
That has been the chant since long before the 1st Iraq war.

When are we going to take the oil?