Interesting Thought...


Well-Known Member
no crack smell if thats what your meaning, it tasted like perfect pot with a kick. =]

im going to make so much more of this. lol


Well-Known Member
Sounds good... you think this could work with other drugs... like acid... or fuckin pure THC have a super super THCd up plant... and other shit too but that would be nutss


Well-Known Member
but thats alot of work and not much yield... when I made it it was a very small amount and was brown and like a gooie sticky brown propain hash type shit...


Well-Known Member
but thats alot of work and not much yield... when I made it it was a very small amount and was brown and like a gooie sticky brown propain hash type shit...
ive never actually tried to extract it, i have about 1000 seeds now, im looking for a good extraction method.. how did you do it?


Well-Known Member
O.K. This is the metod I used ... I'm sure theres better and easier ones on the internet... take 5 ounces of morning glory seeds... Then the instructions call for ether... which I could not get my hands on but I think its just 100% alcohol... so I used everclear... soaked the seads in the everclear for 3 days in the dark... just enough to cover the seeds... put in air tight package... screw top jar
filter through a coffee strainer...
throw away liquid...
take mush let it dry...
Take a trip to home depot while your waiting for the three days to pass and buy a bottle of wood alcohol... like 12 bucks
let the mush sit in the wood alcohol... calles for 110 ccs of alcohol... no idea what that is soooo... I used enough to cover the mush... and than alitlle more
sit for 2 days 3 if disired
filter through coffe filter again
save liquid in a bowl wide bowl because you are now going to let this liquid evaporate... than you scrape the stuff thats left over... should be yellow... mine was brown...
put the mush back in some new wood alocohol...
sit for 2 days...
filter again keep liquid in new bowl labeld 2
do the same thing... this batch will be less potent...

instructions say that 30 grams of morning glory seeds = one trip
15 hawian roosewood seeds = one trip...
you can buy hawiian rooswood seeds online... never tried that...


Well-Known Member
This may seem like a crazy question, but why wouldn't you just leave your weed alone and snort coke when you want to snort coke?

Just noticing you used a gram of coke for 4 nugz of weed. Could have just snorted a little each time you smoked weed. Guessin it works out about the same.


Well-Known Member
This may seem like a crazy question, but why wouldn't you just leave your weed alone and snort coke when you want to snort coke?

Just noticing you used a gram of coke for 4 nugz of weed. Could have just snorted a little each time you smoked weed. Guessin it works out about the same.
I have done so much coke, it wont drip anymore for me (used too much of a good thing) and I wont cook it, thats dirty, so i did this as an experiment


Well-Known Member
You should plant some... I had them for 10 years in my back yard... and every year they make shit loads of seeds, and than come back the next year... pain in the fucking ass picking the seeds because they fall all over the place... there in weird little pods... yea so they grow like nutso everywear... they like climbing on fences...